broken glass

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After numerous attempts to deny the liquid and reassurances that she would be fine and it would be a waste, Estelle eventually gave up and accepted the healing cordial from Lucy. She'd found sleep almost impossible and resorted to a dip in the lake that was placed at the forefront of the How, in an attempt to cleanse her body of the grease and dried blood from the Telmarine battle. A rupture of moon-stone light illuminated the tar-black sky. She tossed her dress to one side, leaving her in her slip, and slowly lowered herself into the still and serene pool. Edmund sitting a safe distance away, back turned, being left with the job of watching over the girl as she ventured into the night.

The water washed a sense of peace over her, her conflicting thoughts ceased to exist. She allowed the tranquility to absorb her. If how she felt was a sound, it would be silence. If it were a colour, it would be sage green. If it were a book, it would be a suspense-less story in which all the characters had a happy ending. She floated atop its mirror-like surface as if she were a ship in calm, eventless weather. She remained still, Comparing the constellations that were like holes in the nothingness of the sky, to those she had seen at home. And then she was consumed by the nothingness. Her thoughts picked up at an alarming speed. Her breath became heavy and quick. The once weightless water now weighing hundreds of pounds. She dragged herself lazily onto the surface.

"Ed!" Dropping the rock he was playing with, he darted towards the girls side

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Dropping the rock he was playing with, he darted towards the girls side.
"What's wrong? What happened?"
"I don't know- I- I can't- I can't breathe!"
Like a dam bursting, the salty water that had been repressed for years poured out of her fearful eyes. If how she felt were a sound, it would be that of a building crumbling under its foundations. If it were a colour, it would be dark grey. It if were a book, it would be one in which the love interest dies in the end. Everything finally caught up to her, and she broke.

Her damp body lay exhausted on Edmund's as she desperately grasped at his shoulders and shirt, trying everything in her power to stop the never-ending flow.
Her aunt's treatment, her experience in the Telmarine castle, her parents, her friend's mistrust, the White Witch's return, all of it thrust down upon the girls chest, forcing out a pained scream. The air felt too thick to swallow and her chest fell up and down at a frighteningly high rate. Edmund felt helpless, all he could do was pet her hair soothingly and wait for the violent shrieks of the girl to simmer down. His heart wrenched at the sight, Estelle was his family and yet he'd never even seen her eyes water, let alone spout endless amounts of agony.

From above the pair, Caspian sat with his professor. He'd witnessed the whole thing. The transition from a girl peacefully bathing in moonlight, to a girl unable to speak through her sobs, was startling. He wanted nothing more than to make it all stop, to take all the pain she was feeling and give it to himself. He had known her less than a week yet he'd already felt that she deserved the exact quantity of love that she put into this cruel world, and now she was paying the price for her selflessness.
"Go, Caspian"

After an antagonising few minutes, her blubbers had diffused down to gentle whimpers. All her energy expelled through her tears. She fell completely exhausted in Edmund's arms, leaving him entirely unaware of what he should do. Footsteps approached them, it wouldn't be a surprise if she woke someone with her cries, they likely thought the girl was in danger. Edmund turned his panicked face and was met with Caspian, returning the same expression.
"W-What do I do Caspian? I- I don't know what to do?"
Acknowledging the King's fear, Caspian silently picked up the exhausted girl and held her as if she was fragile porcelain.
"Get some rest Ed, i'll take her in."
With a watery-eyed nod, Edmund remained still, looking out across the still surface, contemplating what had happened. He felt as though he'd failed as a brother. Estelle had comforted him endless times when he was overcome with anger and hurt, but the one time she needed him, he froze up.

Caspian carried the small frame into the How and to an uninhabited room, placing her down so gently that you'd think she was made of glass. She clung onto his tunic as if it were the last thing she'd ever do.
"Please don't leave me-"
"I'm not going anywhere"
He'd kept to his word.

 "Please don't leave me-""I'm not going anywhere" He'd kept to his word

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word count: 813
I know this chapter is very short compared to the rest but i feel like this should be a stand alone scene where Estelle finally snaps. I feel so bad for her she's been carrying so much <3

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