until next time.

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Caspian and Estelle's coronation was the most beautiful experience she could ask for. After officially crowning them King and Princess of Narnia, a ball was thrown in celebration. A grand mixture of Telmarines and Narnians came together to honour their Kings and Queens. The young fawn pounced at Estelle who was draped in a white and gold gown with a correlating golden crown placed delicately upon her head. The hug was bone-crushing.

"Woah- Hey" She spoke to the girl through a fit of giggles from the sudden affection.
"You were right."
"Of course, I told you the Kings and Queens of old wouldn't let anything bad happen."
"Thank you." The fawn mumbled with her face smushed into the stomach of the new princess. Then, the very same Narnian song that she'd earlier learned, began to be played by the band that was present. The youngest gasped and flashed a giddy grin at the elder girl, dragging her by the hand and spinning her around in the centre of the room.

There will come a solider
who carries a mighty sword
he will tear your city down
oh lai oh lei oh lord

Suddenly, as if the whole room was in sync, creatures and humans from all backgrounds stepped into the ballroom. Couples and friends, Telmarine and Narnian, musically connecting with only the purest hearts.

There will come a poet
who's weapon is his word
he will slay you with his tongue
oh lai oh lei oh lord

Edmund snuck up behind Estelle and placed his hands on her shoulders, a gasp of shock falling from her lips. Without sharing a word, the two laughed and intertwined their limbs. She wasn't the best of dancers in the world, after all, she'd grown up in London with no experience in ballroom dancing, yet she was too consumed by the music to care that she was stabbing his toes with her heels. He did in fact care, yet didn't want to do anything to disturb his friends relaxed nature in the moment.

There will come a ruler
who's brow is laid in thorn
smeared with oil like david's boy
oh lai oh lei oh lord

Estelle caught a glimpse of Susan, comfortable under the hands of Caspian and paused her dancing. They were graceful and swift with their movements. A smile crept up her face at the sight. A small part of her wanted to be Susan in that moment, but another part of her was happy that they had each other. In the second that she was distracted, Edmund was pulled away by Lucy. Perhaps it was meant to be this way. Sure, she didn't mind the sensation of butterflies that fluttered whenever Caspian was near, but he wasn't hers.

he will tear your city down
oh lai oh lei oh lord

She slipped away into the corridor. Craving the company of the night air. She found herself on a balcony, the music from the ballroom only just managed to carry this far. Leaving her with a quiet backing track to her thoughts. The stars were shining as brightly as ever, but now they felt soothing rather than a reminder of the horrors that tomorrow may bring. She was entranced by their beauty, so much so that she didn't hear his footsteps approaching.

His gaze, however, was fixed upon the princess that graced his presence. She was basked in the light of the midnight sun. The white-gold orb that sat in the heavenly night was in perfect synchrony with her equally heavenly complexion. He'd known upon first meeting her that Estelle was attractive, yet there was something in the way that the dress wrapped her elegant body like a hug and her lips were slightly parted that made him want to thank Aslan for carving her this way. The breeze caressed her frame and whispered through the night, intent on delivering a message to be understood by only her. A reminder of her measly life in England? or perhaps the promise of a beautiful tomorrow? But nobody truly knew what she thought. Unmoving she stood, like a silhouette or maybe a ghost, pale and slender and oh so delicate.

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