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Her and Edmund were set to stand behind Peter and patch him up if a respite was needed. Before the fight began, Estelle pulled Peter aside.
"Good luck and be safe." She truly meant her words but the awkward air that still surrounded them had made the interaction that bit more unpleasant. After a short -very uncomfortable- moment of silence, she scoffed and brought him into a quick hug. He curtly nodded at her as she pulled away and approached the new Telmarine King.

"There is still time to surrender." That voice. It sent shivers up her spine and caused her hairs to stand on end. Her hand subconsciously landed on her ribs where a dark scar resided.
"Well, feel free."
"How many more must die for the throne?"
"Just one."
"Well, you're definitely related." Estelle muttered under her breath to the Just King. He only glanced at her in acknowledgement and turned his attention back towards the duel.

Peter flicked down his helmet and threw his body at Miraz, causing an eruption of cheers from both sides. Despite the noticeable difference in numbers, the Narnian's noise seemed to carry further. In the distance, a small group of Telmarines snuck away into the forest. Her heart was beating exceptionally fast, Lucy and Susan were alone in there, unaware of the men sent to attack them. For a moment, it looked as though Peter had the upper hand, he hit Miraz in the back which caused him to topple slightly. However, the King recovered and knocked the helmet straight from the boy's head. She could smell the pride from him, it stuffed itself in her nose and made it hard to breathe.

It felt endless, each time one made even the tiniest feint, the other countered. Just as Peter managed to slice Miraz' leg, the man knocked him to the ground and stepped on his shield, crushing his arm in the process. Estelle gasped and could sense the panic excreting from Edmund without even looking at the boy. Peter's age led him to have an immense advantage over the older male and he quickly recovered and brought himself back to his feet, faltering only for a moment when he saw Caspian and Susan riding towards the scene, missing his youngest sister.

"Does his Highness need a respite?"
"Five minutes."
"Three." The King had only said this in an attempt to seem strong and agile, but Estelle could see that even a ten minute break wouldn't allow him to fully catch his breath.

"She got through- with a little help." She said admirably whilst gesturing towards her saviour.
"Well, you were busy." He looked over to see Estelle, smiling at his bravery. He was perfectly fit for a King. He returned the gesture.
"You'd better get up there, just in case. I don't suspect the Telmarines will keep their word."

After a painful hug and reassurance to the Narnian's, Susan followed her brother's instruction, leaving Caspian to remain beside the Amore girl. She could feel the Narnian hope dwindling by the second, her eyes met the young fawn and she shot her a lopsided smile and a nod. Peter threw himself down onto a chair and groaned at the dull ache that crept up his shoulder.

"I think it's dislocated. What do you think happens at home if you die here?"
"Hopefully we won't have to find out." Estelle cut him off instantly. It was obvious to her that he was preparing for the worst and it made her heart sink for him. He was irritatingly egotistical the majority of the time, but after his encounter with the White Witch, it was clear that his self esteem had taken a huge hit.

"You know Estelle- I never got to tell you how truly sorry I am for what i said, I was angry and took it out on whoever i could. I never really told you how much i apprecia-ARGH"
Estelle curtly nodded at Edmund, encouraging him to pop the King's shoulder back into its rightful place before he could continue his rant. She knew they'd have time for this after the battle wether he believed it or not.
"Save it for later." The Just said before reassuringly patting his brother on the back, sending him back into the fire of Miraz.

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