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After a quick conversation with Edmund and an exchange of swords, Caspian found himself stood upon the top deck, staring down at all of the crew, the ones that he wouldn't be here without, and he couldn't be more grateful.

"No matter what happens here, every soul who stands before me has earned their place on the crew of the Dawn Treader. Together we have traveled far. Together we have faced adversity. Together we can do it again. So now is not the time to fall to fears temptations. Be strong, never give in. Our world, our Narnian lives depend on it. Think of the lost souls we're here to save. Think of Aslan. Think of Narnia."

Estelle was flustered just listening to his voice, he was a strong and loyal leader, he was a brave and kind soul, he was perfect. His kingmanship seemed effortless, as if second nature to the man, and it made her heart race.
"For Narnia!" The combined voices of the ship made it rumble under its supports, as always, the Narnian hope overpowered all evil that they would face.

The green mist was all that could be seen around the island, it permeated their senses and clogged their thought process, every negative thought or feeling rushing to the forefront of their minds. Before Estelle, the fog manipulated itself into a figure, one that she hadn't seen in 12 years.

Orion Amore.

"Father?" She spoke carefully, after her last experience with her parents, she didn't know what to expect. However, instead of shouting insults and degradation, his words were gentle, and soft.

"Estelle my dear, you know you can't do this. You've already lost everything, why risk losing it again? All of your friends, Caspian, they will be ripped away from you once more. Here, come with me, I will make it all go away, sweetheart."

This place. This sick and twisted place. How morbid do you need to be to bring back someone's lost loved one? To resurface years of healing and grief? Only for them to be nothing more than a thick fog. It made her stomach burn.

Tears pricked at her eyes. She knew that this was not her father, yet the fact that these words were falling from his mouth made it feel as though her childhood self was clawing its way out of her stomach, desperate for the love and attention she was deprived from.

"You're not my dad." Estelle stated flatly.
"Well of course I am, I died for you darling, I know what's best for you, join me. Repay me."
She couldn't take it anymore, she drew her dagger and sliced it through the air. The mist-dad gasped and screamed out for her, the shrieks were full of horror and fear, as if he was actually dying. Again.

The haunting screams echoed throughout her mind, as a constant reminder of what she did, she killed her father. It seemed as though Estelle wasn't the only one struggling, Edmund was opposite her shouting bloody murder, Caspian was beside her, shut away in his thoughts as if contemplating his own existence, and Rhince's face was littered with grief as he spoke the name of his missing wife, Helaine.

It was terrifying, nobody knew what the other saw and yet there was a mutual understanding that this place was torturing them. The darkness enveloped them like a heavy duvet, making their lungs weigh 100lbs and absorbing all light within their souls, it was like a lullaby, humming them to an eternal and painful slumber. One from which they would never awake.

"Keep away!" a deep bellowing voice spoke. It shook Estelle's bones like a xylophone.
"Who's there?" Edmund yelled back.
"We do not fear you!" Caspian added. The adrenaline built and built, like a rollercoaster before the big drop, who was this voice?

Edmund fumbled for his electric torch and allowed the light to clear the path for an answer. The bright white met the face of a disheveled old man wielding a sword about as though it weighed nothing. His eyes were vacant and mournful, as if his body was acting purely on primitive, survival instinct rather than rational thoughts.

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