single combat

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Silence. Her mind was quiet. Empty. Clear, like the smell of rain after a dry spell. She had never experienced such a violently calm head. She bathed in the relief. When your heart feels light and a small smile creeps it's way onto your features, when the facade drops and you become lost in the infinite beauty of life, that's true relief. That's freedom. It was like every negative emotion that she had held onto was forcefully expelled from her body.

Estelle woke up. Not shaken awake by a nightmare. Not rushed awake out of fear. She woke up naturally and gently. In the absence of internal turmoil, she'd achieved external peace. Her sleepy eyes fell upon Caspian. He was respectfully positioned by her feet, sat up and leaning lazily against a column.

She took this moment to look at him. To really look at him. She noticed the small bump on his nose and how the warm lighting had exposed an array of small freckles that danced across it like constellations. The way that his chest rose and fell deeply was hypnotic and could easily lull her back to sleep if she allowed it. She noticed the slight discolouration around his closed eyes, likely from watching over her as she rested. The girl adored how vulnerable and true he looked in that moment. A soft smile fixed itself on her lips at the sight of the peaceful boy.

She lifted herself up as delicately as she could muster. The slight movement caused the boys eyes to flutter open, the corners creasing subtly as a tender grin tugged at his mouth. He'd known that she was staring, of course, but didn't want the girl to know of this information as he almost embraced the feeling of her gaze on his figure.
"How do you feel, Stella?"
His morning voice sent an unfamiliar fuzzy feeling through her limbs.
"Stella?" She said through a lopsided smirk.
"Well, Stella means star, as does Estelle."
In truth, she hated the nickname, but there was something about the way it effortlessly fell from his lips with his slight accent that was enough to make her only ever want to hear the sound for the rest of time.
"I like it, I feel better, thank you."
"Of course, Lady Stella."
He offered his hand to her and carefully pulled her to a stand. Before he could allow himself to rest completely the night before, he'd made sure that he had taken an extra dress from Lucy's 'bedroom' and brought Estelle's boots over to where she lay. She made him face the wall as she stepped into a beautiful, navy blue and bronze dress. It was light and felt like a cloud against her fragile skin, perfect for the upcoming battle that she'd rather forget about for a moment.

They interlocked arms and drifted their way to the field in which the other Narnian's were

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They interlocked arms and drifted their way to the field in which the other Narnian's were. She could've sworn she was floating the entire way.
"Caspian." Susan called the boy over and invited him to practice bow-work with her. Estelle's side felt drafty without his presence.

She gracefully made her way over to Trumpkin who was duelling with Edmund once again, as Lucy sat cross legged on the earth, twiddling a weed between her fingers. Their contagious anxiety almost penetrated her light heart. Almost. She lowered herself onto the ground beside the youngest Pevensie. Lucy rested her head in the girls lap as if it was a reflex, not tearing her attention away from the tattered plant. Estelle's fingers found themselves entangled in the youngest's hair, gently braiding flowers into the soft strands. She watched in amusement as Edmund disarmed the dwarf, time and time again.

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