familiar faces

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The six had eventually reached Beruna only to find a large army of Telmarines, building a bridge. It was clear that they had no intention of holding off on the Narnians for much longer. Catapults and resources were placed at the back of the bridge, ready to be used as and when they were required.
"Perhaps this wasn't the best way after all"
Estelle sighed, she knew that this meant repeating the same walk back, which was something she hadn't exactly wanted to do. With an eye roll from Peter, they lifted themselves back up and headed once again over to the gorge.

"Where do you two think you saw Aslan?"

"I wish you'd all stop acting like grown-ups, I didn't think I saw him, I did see him, and Stell did too."

"I am a grown-up-"

Estelle couldn't bare to hear the arguing any longer and waved them off, edging closer to the drop and hoping to find any evidence of the lion there.
"it was right around-"
"Estelle!" Peter shouted as the ground collapsed around her, causing her to fall.

The remaining five all raced towards the gorge until their eyes fell upon the Amore girl, shaken up but unharmed.
"-here" she finally finished, releasing a breath she didn't realise she was holding.
"You are unbelievable" Susan spoke with a chuckle of relief.

They all followed Estelle's lead down the steep path and across the river, Edmund following closely behind her with his arms out, prepared to catch the girl when she inevitably lost her balance. Surprisingly, Lucy was the first to topple but Trumpkin was close enough to the girl to steady her. Luckily for Estelle's worn out feet, Peter had suggested that they stop for the night to avoid walking through the woods with impaired vision. It didn't take long for her to succumb to the sleep that desperately tugged at her eyes.

"go" a voice thick yet sweet like honey bellowed. Estelle opened her eyes expecting to be surrounded by her close friends and Narnian forest, instead she found herself at one end of her dining table with her aunt Ruth at the other.
"stop playing with your food, child"
"i'm sorry aunt Ruth"
"if you do not finish every last morsel, i will not hesitate to send you to live with the other orphan girls"
Tears started pricking at her eyes, threatening to spill at any moment. She tried and tried to swallow them down, knowing that crying will only worsen the situation, however she felt she had no control over her body as the salty water disobeyed her pleads.
"crying?! i should be the one crying! my only sister is gone and now i'm being punished with an overly sensitive, simply useless little girl!" The elder woman shouted, shaking the table as she stood up.
"i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i'm sorry." the small girl repeated as if it were a chant, desperately trying to diffuse the scene playing out in front of her.
"your mother would be disappointed in you Estelle Amore and you'd be wise to remember that!" Aunt Ruth slammed her cutlery down and stormed out the room, not forgetting to pull the door shut behind her with as much force as she could muster, scaring the young girl out of her skin. Then, with the sad sound of sobs echoing through her brain, everything went black again.
"Run, my love"

She awoke with a gasp and tear stained cheeks. Her hair frizzing around her from the constant turning in her sleep. She hadn't had that exact nightmare since she was 8 years old. At least she was back in Narnia and as far away from that vile woman as she possibly could be. She frantically looked around her and noticed that both the eldest and youngest Pevensie were missing from the sleeping group.
"Ed! Edmund!" she violently shook the boy next to her that had the privilege of sleeping like a log most nights.
"what" he asked annoyed and unsure as to wether he was still dreaming.
"get your lazy arse up! Lucy and Peter are gone!" he just groaned in response, deciding that he must still be dreaming. When he didn't respond to her calling his name one last time, she left to find them alone. She grabbed her dagger from beside her, not even stopping to strap it to its usual place on her thigh, and ran through the woods as fast as her legs would allow her.

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