epilogue - reunion

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7 years later

"Cas hurry!" She spoke through a fit of giggles.

Connected at the hand were two hopeless romantics that had fallen in love. In fact they had fallen so hard that no one was sure that they would ever stand again.

Stars littered the dark like flecks of snow in early winter. They were the promise of life in darkness.

No matter the years that passed, Estelle and Caspian saw each night sky as a fresh gift from the heavens. Their journey to the courtyard was in search for their favourite constellations, Caspian held a different motive.

He was going to wait for a shooting star, the cue for him to drop to one knee for his beloved.

They reached the small lake that accompanied the greenery in the yard. As they ran, Caspian would spin his angel around, laughing as if all the evil was drained from the world, leaving only two connected souls, relishing in their own company. The dancing was sloppy to those who witnessed it, but to the couple, it was the most beautiful thing to exist.

Toes dipped in the serene water and necks tied to the heavens, Caspian awaited the perfect moment.

"I told the stars about you." her voice was soft.

"And what did they say?"

All he received in response was a heart-fluttering smile, one that could bring light in eternal darkness, one that sparkled brighter than the very stars illuminating her face, one that could make even the most senile old man remember the true beauty of life.

In the heat of the moment, Estelle pressed a delicate kiss to her lover's lips and dragged the pair into the deep hue of the lake, the lake that held the poetic song of the moonlight cast upon it.

He embraced her small frame and held their heads atop the surface, smiles etched upon their faces, threatening to stay fixed there until the end of time.

In the comfort of the black, came the boldest star from above, lighting the night on its journey. A mission unknown to all. Caspian saw his opportunity and braced himself to allow the four words to spill from his throat.


Her gaze tore away from the dashing beauty in the sky and fell upon the captivating man before her, the one she wanted to spend forever with.


"Will you m-"


When they fell beneath the water, they had expected to resurface, but the chance of breath seemed less likely as the land continued to fall from view.

They truly fought, flailing as frantically as their limbs could muster, yet the grip on their ankles only grew tighter.

The merpeople had seized their victims.

As the coolness rushed in, they knew that they had been kissed by the moonlight for the last time. Their flailing halted. Their eyes met.

They each had an opportunity to save their counterpart, to free one of their bodies, yet they knew that life without one another would simply just be existing.

Two souls like Estelle and Caspian do not just meet by accident.

After fear comes acceptance.

The contact of the blue and brown orbs made a final decision, they were to die like this and they were to die together.

Estelle hadn't given much thought on how she were to leave this world, she didn't want to. She supposed that dying in the arms of your one love would be a better way to go.

Without closing their eyes or breaking contact, they embraced for the last time. With foreheads pressed together and limbs entangled, Caspian mouthed to the angel before him.

'until next time'

'until next time'

Under the blinding light of constellations, Estelle and Caspian began to dance.


"Caspian? Estelle?" An innocent female voice sliced the thick air. Eyes fluttered open and arms unlocked. Stood before the pair were three of four Pevensie siblings. Older than the last time they had seen them, but still young. And Susan was nowhere to be seen.


word count: 666
what a great word count number to end on.
i'm sorry for this chapter, just pretend it doesn't exist if it helps lol.

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