pranks and ponytails

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As per usual when in Narnia, Estelle was shaken awake by a frantic person. However this person was none other than Caspian himself and he was far from panicked. A large grin was wedged onto his face as he watched her eyes adjust to the sudden brightness.

"It's Reepicheep, Stella. Eustace ate him!"
Her frame became tense as her mind absently absorbed the news.
"What!" Her words spilled out in a rushed voice. Confusion laced her features as she couldn't comprehend why on earth Caspian found this so entertaining.

"What? What are you laughing at?"
"I said it's the blue star." He spoke with feigned concern written into his tone.
"You most definitely did not."
"I most definitely did."

"Come on, you two." The aforementioned Reepicheep spoke, triggering a seemingly endless bout of laughter to explode from the pair.
"What? What's so funny?"
His words only fuelled the fire of giggles as they clung onto one another for support and clutched their stomachs, walking towards the long boat.
"What?!" He shouted towards their distancing figures. He never received an answer.

The previous winds ceased to exist when they needed them the most, it was as though an external force wanted to prevent the crew from finding Ramandu's island at all. An array of threats to eat dragon-Eustace and complaints of aching muscles echoed throughout the deck until a large force threw the entirety of the crew onto the floor, Estelle steadying Caspian with a firm hand on the shoulder.

"What did we hit?" Drinian bellowed.
"Eustace, that's brilliant!" Edmund praised. It was at that moment that Estelle glanced towards the sky only to see the beast pulling the ship with his tail. An impressed laugh graced her lips. The boy made an excellent dragon. In the distance, the encouragement of Reep could be heard, the pair had become unlikely friends and they'd been practically inseparable since the prior night.

As the ship neared Ramandu's island, the crew were growing nervous, Caspian voiced his concerns of the Lords possibly not even making it this far. They had only collected three out of the seven swords and had found little evidence of the Lords along their journey. What if the swords weren't there? What if this was all for nothing? Estelle intertwined her lanky fingers with Caspian's, hoping to provide at least a minuscule sense of comfort for the man.

They had travelled far, but as they approached the long awaited island, excitement was in the back of their minds, with anxiety taking the front seat. The journey to the shore was a blur, the adrenaline providing a feeling of anticipation, blended with the fear that provoked the primitive drive for survival. The last thing the group had expected on the island was a large and welcoming table, full of foods they could only dream of.

The majority of the men made their way over to the feast, leaving Estelle, Caspian and the Pevensie's to explore.
"Wait." Drinian ordered, the table was warm and seduced the crew, however the risks of eating the food were yet to be known.
A sharp intake of breath from Lucy caught the attention of the other three, nothing could've prepared them for what they had found.

Three overgrown, unresponsive, old men were slumped at the head of the table. Mother nature claimed them as her own as vines had begun to twist around the fragile bodies.
"Lord Revilian. Lord Mavramorn. Lord Argoz." Caspian identified the unconscious beings, what a tragedy that these poor souls had met their fate here. A gentle breeze met Estelle's side as she turned her frame to face the Lord to her left, a frosty gust of air expelling from his lips.

"He's breathing." She muttered to no one in particular.
"So are they." Edmund stated.
A moment of silence enveloped the crew, only the sound of cogs turning could be heard through the quiet.
"They're under a spell." Ed theorised.
"It's the food!" Caspian's voice echoed throughout the small group, the thud of a muffin falling out of the grasp of Tavros following his words.

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