chapter 3

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I stared at the woman in absolute shock. There was no way this was actually happening right now. No way.

I searched her face for any trace that would tell me she was lying or joking around, but all that was there was pure seriousness. My mother had actually agreed to take me in.

"What...." Was all I managed to croak out. Mrs. Lamprey seemed a little surprised with my reaction, she probably expected me to be happy and excited, but that was definitely not the case.

"Quinn this is good. You'll be moving away from Queens where hopefully you won't be reminded of your past. You'll go to a new school, make new friends, heal. And best of all you'll be living with your mother, someone who will hopefully take care of you, and love you unconditionally. This is a much better option than being put into the system, Quinn. I know this must be a shock, and I know it might take some time to process this information, but I need you to understand that this is a good thing happening here."

"I just... I don't get it. She agreed to take me in? After she completely ignored my existence for ten years? There's no way she just willingly decided to take me in. Especially after hearing everything that happened to me." Mrs. Lamprey looks at me, once again hesitant to continue this conversation. That only makes me more sure of what's about to come.

"I'm not exactly sure of the circumstances. But what I do know is that your mother is on her way from Florida to come get you right now!" She's trying to cheer me up, trying to make it seem like my mother has been waiting for this day to happen. But I know better. I know my mother probably never would of thought of me again if it weren't for CPS.

"When exactly should I expect her to be here?"

"I'd say in a couple hours."

"Shit. What about all my stuff from home? And I mean... am I gonna get any time to say goodbye to my friends from school? Fuck, man this is all happening way too fast," I tell her, opening up a little in my state of panic.

She sighs a little in understanding. "I understand this is confusing and a bit of a shock for you, trust me I do. I've dealt with plenty of situations similar to yours. I need you to know that there will be many people to help support you with your move to Florida, including me. As for your items from home, I'm sure when you're discharged from the hospital that your mother will take you to your old home so you can pack. I'm not sure exactly when you'll be leaving, but I'm sure your new family would prefer it be a quick ordeal."

A quick ordeal? Are you fucking kidding me right now!?

"Are there any more questions or concerns you might have?"

Questions? A few. Concerns? Billions.

"No. Honestly I just need some space right now," I tell her not looking her in the eye.

"Okay, I understand."

"GOD, could you stop that "I understand" bullshit!? Stop pretending like you know what I'm feeling or going through! You don't know shit, lady, so kindly just fuck off!" I finally cracked. I know I sounded like an immature five year old but I was so worked up with everything and I just needed her to shut up and get out.

I watch Mrs. Lamprey's retreating form as she walks out of the room slowly with her head down. I feel a little guilty for my outbursts, but push it down and let my thoughts about my mother consume me.

Oh boy how I wish this was just a fucking nightmare.

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