chapter 7

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"I'm uh...I'm not gonna be going in foster care, you guys." The line goes silent .

"What do you mean? I mean where else would you go? Oh! Oh shit did you file for emancipation? You smart bastard!"

"JJ shut up! Quinn what the hell are you talking about?"

"No I did not file for emancipation, J. Though thanks for giving me the idea, little sucker. But uh, basically long story short my parents never talked custody. When they got divorced, dad never got full parental rights like I thought he did. Turns out Janette still has some connections to me and when my dad got booted off to prison, they got in contact with her."

"Hold up. You're not saying what I think you're saying are you?" Amari's voice is a little shaky.

"If what you're thinking is that I'm about to move in with my mother, than you are definitely thinking what you think I'm saying."

"Fuck!" He shouts. I flinch a little, knowing damn well how scary he can be when he gets angry. JJ doesn't say anything and it spikes my anxiety. You know somethings wrong when JJ ain't talking.

"... where's she live? Can't be too far, huh? She was a crack head after all wasn't she?" Amari says, hopefulness in his voice.

"That's just the thing," I say, tears starting to burn in my eyes. Boys don't cry. I blink them away.

"Where?" Is all JJ replies with.

"Somewhere in Florida. I'm guessing the rich parts. You should see her clothes and her Iphone, man."

"Florida." Amari repeats, but it doesn't sound like a question, more of a statement. "You're moving to fucking Florida."

"You're.. joking right?" JJ pleads and it gets even harder to contain my emotions.

"I wish." I'm trying to sound like this doesn't deeply affect me, trying to make it seem like I'm strong and careless, but deep down I'm suppressing everything I really want to say.

"When," Amari demands. I frown at the harshness of his voice.

"What time is it?" I question.

"It's like 5:50," JJ replies.

"Then in 2 hours and 40 minutes."

"WHAT?" They both yell in union.

"That can't be right, Quinn. They can't just move you there in one day. No way that's possible. Isn't there some court shit you have to go through? Some like mandatory meetings, I don't know shit like that."

"That's what I thought. But Janette already agreed to take me in. I think cps threatened to take her to court, and that's why she did it. Otherwise none of this would be happening. I mean I tried to tell her that it wasn't enough time but she just told me some crap about how she needed to be home for her family."

"She got new family?" Amari says.

"Yep, but get this. Her daughter is actually my fully biological sister. The bitch was pregnant when she left us, never said anything. And she's getting married in September."

"Of course she is. That's just your luck buddy."

"I want to see you guys before I go. We barely have any time, I'll probably have to leave for the airport by 7:30, but I can't leave this shithole without saying a proper goodbye first."

"Why don't we come over?!" JJ suggests, gaining back his usual energy. "I'll get my mom to pick you up, Amari and we'll drive over."

"Sounds good to me. Be fast, we need to make the time we have count. Yo Quinn you want me to bring my stash?"

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