Chapter 18

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Looking around, I notice the school seems significantly cleaner than my old one. It's probably a little smaller, but I'm guessing because this town doesn't have as many teenagers.

The front desk is to my right as soon as I came through the doors, and there's a lady sitting behind it, looking down at something on the table.

I walk up to her, hoping she'd notice straight away but she's still got all her attention on, what I now can tell is a book.

After realizing she wasn't gonna react, I cleared my throat. The woman looks up a little startled before she takes in my appearance. I see her eye my face a little and then her gaze turns into a little suspicion. She probably thinks I'm a trouble maker right off the bat. "You're the new student?" She asks, taking off her glasses.

"Yeah that's me."

"Right. Follow me then," she says looking over at the door that leads into the office. I enter in, and then follow where the woman went, which is over to a door with a label "Ms. Porch" on it. She opens it and moves out of my way to let me in first.

"This is the new student Bella," the woman says to who I assume is the principal. She's sitting in an office chair, working on a computer at her very large desk. Ms. Porch looks up and makes eye contact with me, giving me a small smile.

"Oh, great! Thanks Amelia," she says. Front desk lady gives a fake smile to Ms. Porch before leaving and shutting the door behind her. What a bitch. "Quinn! Come take a seat," Ms. porch cheers, gesturing to the chairs in front of her. I follow her request, and slowly take a seat. "You're just in time. I've got your schedule pulled up right here. I'm just gonna print this and then we can look it over together, sound good?" I nod my head yes.

She clicks around on her computer a few times before the sound of a printer goes off. She gets up and goes to the other side of the room, grabbing the printed schedule and coming back to her seat.

"Alright let's see what we got here," she says handing me the paper. I glance it over a little, noticing I'm pretty much in all the same levels of the subjects I had been at my old school. The only thing that really stood out to me were my electives.

"Creative writing?" I question.

"I thought you'd question that," she says laughing a little. "It'd be too late in the year for you to start something different like woodworking or engineering, and I figured you didn't seem like the type of guy to do theater," definitely fucking not "so I figured creative writing would be the best option. It's not such a bad class actually, the teacher is very flexible. Plus I looked at your previous schools records and English seems to be one of your most succeeding subjects." I guess that makes sense, but writing is really not something I enjoy. Sure, I can be good at it, but a lot of the time the assignments are on something too personal for my liking.

"Okay.. I guess I'll deal."

"And hey if you really find you don't like one of your classes you can always talk to your counselor about it and we can make a few edits." I nod along knowing damn well I won't be reaching out to a counselor for shit.

Ms. Porch goes over a few things about the school, like all the buildings, the teachers, the counselors and all that stuff I really don't care about. "Every student is assigned a counselor in the beginning of the year. We have mandatory meetings a few times throughout the year but they are completely available for any time a student needs something."

Yeah that's how it was at my last school too. Usually I skipped all the meetings though.

"We talked to your mother about it and regarding your situation.. we found it would be helpful if you met with yours once every week. You know, just as you settle in." Are you serious? I bet this has something to do with me refusing therapy to Mrs Lamprey. I guess this is their next best option.

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