chapter 5

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Mrs. Lamprey gestures to the chair, and my mother takes the seat right next to the bed. My heart is literally hammering through my chest, and she once again holds my gaze.

"Hi, Quinn," she says. Her voice is just how I remember it, from when she'd tell me bed time stories all night after a bad argument with dad.

I don't reply for a long moment, watching her as she takes me in, staring particularly at my bad arm and the bruises visible on my body. Not gonna lie, I was becoming extremely self conscious and uncomfortable, and even a little embarrassed at that. I should've tried to change into my damn clothes earlier, fucking idiot.

"Hi," I say, or more like croak. We stare at each other some more. Yeah, this isn't totally awkward at all.

"Um... well how are you feeling?" She asks, and I can't help but notice how forced it sounds. Rage bubbles in my chest and I have to fight myself so I don't scoff in her face.

"Fine." What I really want to say is 'What the fuck do you think you selfish, shitty, abandoning asshole!?'

"Is there anything you need before we, uh, start talking about everything? Water, maybe? Or did you need to use the bathroom before?" God please stop talking to me, you sound so awkward its physically making me sick.


"Are you sure? You seemed to be on your way to the bathroom before I-"

"I'm sure," I interrupt. I just want this to be over with already. The sooner this 'talk' happens, the sooner I can get the fuck out of this hospital.

Okay, yeah I'm being blunt but so what? I'd literally rather be anywhere but here in this situation.

"Alright. I think we're ready then Becca," Janette tells Mrs. Lamprey who's been standing on the other side of the bed, watching our whole interaction. I turn to face her and notice she's frowning at me, obviously upset with the way our conversion had went. Looking back at Jannette, I also notice she seems more uncomfortable then she already has been. Go me for already screwing everything up!

"What exactly do we need to talk about? And whatever it is can we make this quick? I seriously need to get out of here, man," I tell Mrs. Lamprey, practically ignoring Janette's existence.

"Well Quinn, I've already told your mother privately about your injuries, situation, medications, and plans for the next few weeks while you recover. Now we just need to get you caught up on everything involving the move. I'm going to ask your mother a few questions, and you'll listen in. Hopefully it'll explain most of your own questions. Then I'll leave and give you two some space, while I go fetch the doctor to give you one final inspection so you can be discharged," She explains.

I nod my head in reply.

"Well first of all, I understand you've flown in on such short notice, Jannette, and for that I'm very thankful." Janette smiles, though it doesn't quite reach her eyes.

"When exactly do you plan to be on your way back home?"

"As soon as possible. The next flight to Florida is in a few hours, so I hope to have Quinn all packed and ready by then."

"Hold up did you say a few hours? We're leaving today? That gives me no time at all!" Janette visibly flinches at my tone of voice, but I can't find it in me to care. How the fuck am I supposed to say goodbye to everyone I care about in the span of a few goddamn hours?!

"Quinn please settle down," Mrs. Lamprey begs, "I'm sure we can work something out."

"I wasn't aware you wanted to stay here any longer than you had to. If I had known I would've prepared before I'd left. But this is just how it's going to have to be," Janette says trying to seem like she cared about what I wanted. But I knew deep down she purposely didn't prepare to stay any longer than today. I glare deeply into her eyes, trying to show her just how much she angered me.

"What time exactly is the next flight?" Mrs. Lamprey quickly butts in, probably noticing the way I was staring into my uncomfortable mothers face.

"8:30 pm tonight. We'd be in Florida by 11:30 maybe 12:00. I know it's not particularly ideal but I have family waiting for me at home. I've never been so far away from my daughter before."

I can't help myself and I finally scoff. How fucking ironic is that?

"Well that gives you around three hours by the time you get out of here, Quinn. That's enough time to get all packed and say goodbye to friends, isn't it?"

I stare at my social worker in pure disbelief.

"C'mon Quinn. Please make this easier for us. You have a phone don't you? You can stay in touch with your friends any time you like." If you call the ten year old piece of junk device a phone, then yeah I guess I got one. But it's not the same as actually talking to the people I love.

"And I bet you your mom will let you visit sometimes after everything gets settled, huh?" She gestures to Janette who hums in response, though she doesn't sound very believing.

"So, what do you say? Can you be ready to go to Florida by tonight?"

"I guess I don't have much of a choice, do I?" They both frown again.

"No, I guess not," Janette replies.

It's silent for a moment as everyone thinks of what to say next.

"So what about the home situation?" Mrs. Lamprey asks, changing the topic. "Is there a room for Quinn to stay in for now? Anything we should know about?"

"We have a guest room prepared for him to stay in. I'm sure you already know that I'm engaged. You have a sister, too. She was excited when I told her the news."

"Really?" I question, genuinely confused. If I were in a situation like that I'd probably hate the living fuck out of me, even if I hadn't met me yet.

"Yeah. Don't be surprised if she clings onto you the moment we get through the door. I told her she better be asleep when I come home but I doubt she'll listen to me," she laughs a bit. "She's one energetic cookie." Listening to her talk about her daughter, she seems so fond of her. Like she's the biggest joy in her life. It's stupid, but it actually makes me kinda jealous.

I try to actually seem interested and force a smile. "How old is she?"

Janettes smile abruptly disappears. Jeez, I thought that was a pretty normal question, was it not?

"Oh... she's- she's about to turn 10 in a couple weeks."

And then I realize just why she acted that way. And it seriously hurts me more than it should.

"10?" I clarify and she nods her head. "But that would only mean she was.." I can't finish my sentence. I can't look at her anymore. I just can't. I take a shaky breath and turn to the social worker in the room, who's once again staring at me worryingly.

"Actually, yeah I really do needa go to the bathroom," I lie. "You think I can change into my clothes while I'm at it? Thanks," I answer for her before quickly standing back up again, ignoring the black dots and grabbing my clothes.

"Wait, hey do you need any help?" Mrs. Lamprey rushes out, running after me.

"Nope. No, I'm good," and I slam the door in her face.

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