chapter 14

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To say the ride home was awkward is an understatement.

Janette is giving me the silent treatment and hasn't looked my way once. I definitely pissed her off more than I should of today. Hopefully she doesn't go whine about it to Adrian because I am not in the mood to put up with another asshole today.

When we get to the house she storms inside, leaving me grab all the bags and to drag myself slowly up to the door.

When I get inside I hear Janette yell something along the lines of "I can't deal with him right now," before she stomps off.

I walk into the kitchen and notice Adrian who's changed out of his athletic clothing into something more formal is in the middle of making some sort of smoothie.

"What happened?" He asks giving me a pointed look.

"Nothing," I say walking right past him to go to the guest room so I could drop off all the new shit and maybe face time JJ and Amari for a bit. I needed to rant to somebody.

I charge up the stairs and into the guest room, shutting the door behind me. I drop all of the new bags next to the duffel that I haven't unpacked and then walk over to the night stand where I put my phone on last night.

I notice I have a couple messages from my friends.

JJ: hey man how's everything going?

JJ: i fucking miss u

JJ: can't deal with amari all by myself dude

I smile at JJ's antics and type out a quick reply.

Quinny: I think I'd rather die then stay here another night man

Expectedly JJ replies right away.

JJ: that bad?

Quinny: That bad.

I switch over to the group chat where Amari and JJ had a few conversations on from last night and this morning and feel comforted that they aren't leaving me out of the random shit we always talk about.

Amari: Shit guys I can't wait until I can drop out of school

JJ: you're not dropping out dumb ass

JJ: not on my watch

Amari: We'll see about that

Amari: Quinn understands

Amari: We can't all be smart fucks like you

JJ: shut up

That was the last conversation they had and I roll my eyes reading it over. I can't believe these idiots are my friends.

Quinny: Did you fucks tell Caroline that I left?

I noticed she texted me last night with a blunt 'hey.' Even though we ended on good terms and still talked in school on occasion, we haven't texted in months so I was surprised she texted. The only possible reason was that someone told her I left.

JJ: whoops....

JJ: should i not have??

Quinny: I mean It's fine I guess

Quinny: She was gonna find out anyways

JJ: she's still head over heels in love with u btw

JJ: almost started crying when i told her

Quinny: Fr?

JJ: oh yeahhhhh buddy

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