chapter 6

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I've been in the bathroom for at least like 15 minutes.

It hurt like a bitch to take the gown off and put on my clothes. Now I'm just leaning over the sink and waiting for the stinging to go away.

I looked up to the mirror and took myself in. The black eye on my right eye looked to be getting a bit better, but the bruising on my check and jaw was dark and purple, almost black. Sometimes it hurt to look at myself.

I saw a resemblance in myself to my father, so I hated looking in the mirror. My friends and exes have all said I was a good looking guy, but I just can't see that passed the features of my father. I don't even think the guy was ugly, I mean he managed to pull women like my mother, but years and years of staring into his hateful face has blinded me into only seeing him as a gruesome son of a bitch.

You look just like her.

I shake my head at the thought of what he told my last night. I guess I do look like her some bit. We share the same blue eyes and dark hair. But I'd say I take after my father in my facial structure.

I wonder what my sister looks like. I wonder what she's like in general. It hurts that she's my fully biological sister and I never even knew about her. Judging by my mothers guilt ridden face when I asked how old she was, I bet you she knew she was pregnant when she left me. She took herself and my sister to live in a new state, but she left me behind. Why didn't she just take me with her?

I have so many unanswered questions that I can't ask. I don't know if I'll ever even know. But what I do know is that I'm about to be shipped off to live with a family that I don't even know. A family that will be much better off without me, because this is where I belong. I've ruined so many things for everyone in my life, and I'm about to ruin even more people in a completely different life. I don't want to be an unwanted burden to even more people than I already  am.

I start to wonder if running away before I get on that plane would be the best option for everyone.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door.

"Quinn, are you alright in there?" Mrs Lamprey hollers from outside.

"Yeah!" Quickly, I turn on the sink and splash cold water onto my face to try and wake myself up a little. It's gonna be a long ass fuckin' night.

"Okay, well hurry up if you can. The doctors ready for you."

Turning to the door, I glance one more time in the mirror before walking out of the bathroom. There I see the doctor from earlier this morning, the dick with the polkadot die. Janette isn't in the room anymore, which doesn't surprise me. The social worker is waiting outside the door.

"Quinn, nice to see you again," the doctor jokes. Usually I'd say something witty back, but honestly I don't have the energy anymore after what I've learned.

I walk over to the bed and sit down, wanting this inspection to be done with. The doctor comes over and does his thing, checking my temperature, my blood pressure, my pulse, and my eyes again. The whole time it's silent except for the minor instructions he gives me when we do something.

"Well everything seems pretty normal. You're all set to be discharged. Your prescription just came in," he gestures to the brown paper bag on the table. "You should take two pills per day, one at night, one in the morning, by mouth. No crushing it up or anything like that. It's better if you take them with food. They'll help with the headaches and stinging. Understand?"

"Yep," I nod my head.

"Your suggested meal plan will be emailed to your guardians, and your cast will come off in about 8 weeks. Your skin under the cast will definitely be itchy for a couple of days, but it should pass. There's also directions on how to clean and take care of your cast in this envelope here." He hands me a pretty lightweight folder. "Don't get it wet when you shower, and make sure to wrap it well. We can give you a demonstration if you'd like?" I shake my head no. "Alright then. I think that's pretty much it. If you feel like somethings wrong or you want something to be looked at don't be scared to call a doctor, okay kid?"

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