chapter 13

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"Go for it then," I say.

She's quiet for a moment as she collects her thoughts. Out of the corner of my eye I can see her glance at me from the drivers seat.

"Well first of all you're going to have to change your attitude if you expect me to do anything for you."

What a nice way to put it.

"Right now I'm driving you to the store to buy you new clothes. If that doesn't deserve respect I don't know what does. So if you say one snarky thing to me on this trip we're going home." Umm don't forget you're the one who wanted to take me shopping. I offered to cut the sleeves off my shirts for you.

"Second of all if you want to be around Azaela you need to stop swearing. I don't need her to become corrupt. She likes you and looks up to you so anything you say is going to reflect back on to her." That I can actually understand.

"Alright," I nod showing that I'm listening. She seems content at that and she's quiet for a minute, causing hope to bubble up that she's done.

"I think you should have a curfew set in place too." Nope she's definitely not done. "I know what living in that place can do to someone. Party all day party all night. But that isn't the same for a place like this. I want you home and in bed by 10 PM on week nights and 11 on weekends. No exceptions."

"Are you kidding me?"

"No. You will follow the rules or there will be consequences."

"Listen to what I say or I'll punish you!" The voice of my father lingers in my brain. Shut up brain.

"Fine." As long as I don't get caught breaking the rules there can't be any punishments.

"You should have some type of chores around the house too. I'm thinking cleaning the dishes and putting them away and cleaning the kitchen counters and tables after dinner. We can give you an allowance if you'd like."

"Allowance? For cleaning?" I ask genuinely confused. Why would I be getting paid for doing simple little tasks like that. Back at home I was expected to do almost everything for no price at all.

"Yes if you do it right and when you're asked." Okay that's actually kinda sick. No complaints with that.

"As for school I expect you to do your best. I know about the incidents at your last school." Shit. Half of the incidents at my last school I was blamed for most of the shit that happened. Yeah I might've started the physical stuff but the guys that went to my school were shitty people and they deserved it. The last time I was in a fight it was because this jock at my school was harassing my ex and I needed to put him in his place. No guy messes with anyone I care about.

The guy ended up getting away with it because there was no proof so it went on my record and I got detention for a week along with a call to home. Let's just say that it wasn't a good time for me.

It's not like I can tell her all of this because it's too complicated and I just don't want to explain any of it. It's frustrating though that everyone always thinks I'm in the wrong. I just wish there was a way everyone knew about all the shit I went through so they didn't just assume.

"If you start anything like that here and embarrass me and my family..." She leaves it at that. I think I get what she was trying to imply, though.

Janette doesn't bring up any more rules for the next couple of minutes so I'm guessing she's done for now. I bet you there will be more along the way but I'll deal with that later. For now I just need to focus on getting this shopping trip over with.

A few minutes of silence later, we pull into a parking lot with a bunch of stores all around. Immediately I notice how many people are scattering around and I groan internally.

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