chapter 19

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A/N: Before y'all read can you lmk if you want a visualization of how I picture Quinn to look like? Or do you just want to make it up yourself?

After math class was over with, I grabbed my bag and followed Briana out of the room. "Hey what you got next?" She asks as we walk side by side in the hallway.

"Ummm.." I trail off looking at my schedule, "science I guess."

"Oh that absolutely sucks. Who do you have?"

"Mr. Collins," I say reading off his name.

"Oh that's a fucking shame," she laughs. "He's like one of the worst teachers here from what I've heard. I'll walk you to class."

"Oh great, I'm so excited," I say sarcastically. "What do you have?"

"English in the b3's. I would skip with you but it's your first day."

"Yeah I should probably wait a week before I start skipping any of my classes. I've already got the principal up my ass for 'past experiences'," I quote from earlier this morning.

She laughs at that and shakes her head. "So you're a real piece of work then?"

"You could say that." We continue small talk all the way until we're in the A building where the science classes are. I spot Ian and his buddies on the way to class, and I feel his eyes on me the entire way to my class. Okay, that's a little creepy.

"Here's Collins," Briana says. "You have fun with him alright?" She laughs.

"Thanks so much," I reply rolling my eyes. "Hey where can I find you for lunch?" I ask.

"The gang and I usually meet at a table in the c2's. You'll definitely find us," she smirks.

"The gang?" I question.

"You'll see," she says before walking off and waving goodbye. I just chuckle a little at that and walk into my class. At least I made a friend not even 10 minutes into my first day.

In science I wasn't as lucky as I had been in math. There wasn't any Briana to save me from sitting alone so I just sat at a random desk in the back like I planned to do last class.

Mr. Collins walked into the class and gave me a look, one that tells me he wasn't to thrilled about my presence, but other than that he pretty much ignored my existence. He handed out a note packet that we filled out using a slideshow for pretty much the entire class. I was bored out of my mind.

I noticed the people around me glance at me every few minutes but I paid them no mind. My hand was starting to hurt from writing so much so I took a break and shook it off.

How much longer until this class is finally over.

"You're going to be expected to know all of this information on our unit test, so I suggest you pick the pencil back up and keep writing," Mr. Collins says. Alright now I see what Briana meant.

By now everyone was staring at me, causing me to be a lot more uncomfortable than I already was.

"Give him a break, Collins. It's his first day," a boy sitting pretty isolated from everyone else says in the back. The attention is then off me and onto him. He's wearing a black hoodie and grey sweatpants, sort of reminding me of myself. I can tell he's probably a loner kind of guy.

"Mr. Brown I don't appreciate the commentary. I'd of thought you'd learned your lesson by now with the frequent detentions you manage to earn yourself," Collins snaps.

"I'm just saying. The kids got a broken arm. Who cares if he puts his pencil down to take a break from the excessive writing. Hey who knows, maybe if your lessons weren't writing on a piece of paper every day instead of actually teaching us something, maybe he wouldn't have to do that in the first place." Okay damn this kids got a real attitude. I like him.

Everyone in the class seems to be pretty entertained with the change of setting in the classroom. This has been the most interesting thing I've heard all day.

"That's it Mr. Brown. I think you've earned yourself a detention once again for the back talk. And hey since you seem to be so close with your new buddy here, he can join you," Collins says gesturing to me.

"Are you kidding? I didn't even do anything!" I protest glaring him down.

"If you keep provoking me Ill just add on more to your sentence, Mr. Hale."

"Don't treat me like some sort of criminal Mr. Collins. This isn't a goddamn prison."

"You aren't making a very good first impression for yourself, Quinn. You better stop talking and get back to work before you regret it."

"What are you threatening me now? No, screw this shit! I came here to learn, not to get targeted by a 40- year old man who has nothing better to do then pick fights with his teenage students. You can go fuck yourself Mr. Collins," I say grabbing my bag and standing up to leave.

"Real mature of you, Mr. Hale!" He says as I walk out of his classroom.

"Suck my dick!" The boy from the back of the class says as he follows me out of the room, laughing. He slams the door shut behind him, pretty damn loud, and then catches up to walk with me, side by side.

"I'm Elijah, nice to meet you," he says as he sticks out his hand for me to shake.

"Quinn," I say shaking his hand.

"Hey sorry for basically dragging you down with me back there. That wasn't my intention," he says scratching the back of his neck.

"Nah, you're good. That guys an ass. Probably would've found another way to give me detention anyways. I saw the way he looked at me."

"Yep. He's been targeting me pretty much the whole year," he says rolling his eyes. "Couldn't tell if it was because he was a racist or not but I guess he just profiles based on everyone's appearance, huh? That's a nice shiner."

"You should see the other guy."

Elijah laughs at that and nudges me on the shoulder. "You're a funny dude. You gotta come hang with me at lunch. That is if we aren't like hunted down by the detention guys."

"I would but I already promised someone I'd sit with her," I say sheepishly.

"Oh yeah? It's your first day and you already got a lady friend?"

"Nah It's not like that," I say.

"Mhm that's what they all say. Who's the girl anyway?"

"Her names Briana."

"No shit! Dude your basically part of the friend group now."

"You're friends?"

"Oh yeah. Me Briana, Lindsey, Noah and Gwen. Sometimes Lindsey's cunt ass boyfriend comes to steal her away but she's there for the most part."

"Oh yeah, me and her boyfriend go way back," I say sighing at the memory of threatening to beat him up.

"Shit I gotta hear this. Wanna skip third block with me? You can just blame it on first day jitters or some shit."

"I'm down," I agree. I know I said I shouldn't start skipping any classes for a while, but Collins ruined my vibe. I don't even care anymore so I just let Elijah lead me to his so called perfect skipping hangout spot.

A/N: I'm so proud of my boy already making so many friends! I don't know if their gonna be the best influence on him.. but we'll see. He's in for a ride when he gets home though! :)

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