chapter 15

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It's been a couple hours since Adrian left my room and in the mean time I've been bored out of my mind. Amari is still busy helping his stupid moms boyfriend move in or something. I guess I could just call JJ alone but we don't want to leave him out. We have all night anyways.

Caroline on the other hand surprisingly hasn't texted back yet. I mean yeah she'd leave me on delivered for quite a while purposely but usually not for too long. Maybe she's genuinely upset that I didn't tell her I was going and she had to hear it from JJ instead. Honestly it's making me feel guilty and overthink.

Maybe I should try texting her again. But I don't want to seem clingy. But then again she might want me to pry.... god I don't know! Having so much time to myself is seriously getting to my head.

I just decide to text her again, hoping she's not pissed at me.

Quinn: Do you wanna talk?

I stare at the text before sending it, wondering if I should delete it entirely and say something else. I don't know what else to say though, so I just send it and then throw my phone onto the bed.

I put my face into my hands to groan quietly. Why do girls have to be so difficult sometimes? I mean I love them don't get me wrong but having a girlfriend- or ex girlfriend- is so stressful! Or maybe it's just Caroline.. I don't know.

I'm about to get up and start pacing the room in anticipation before I hear my phone go off and excitedly grab for it.

It's just JJ.

JJ: what if birds are actually just government operated machines to spy on us?

JJ: what if all those crazy conspiracists are right and they get to go "i told you so"

Quinn: Dude wtaf are you talking about right now

I roll my eyes and once again throw my phone before getting up and managing to pace the room this time without interruption from JJ.

I don't know why I'm so worked up over her. I guess it has something to do with all the time I put into our relationship back when we were together. I tried my best to keep her happy but she always found ways to judge me for things I did so I guess we were both unhappy. When she broke up with me I honestly felt pretty relieved.

I decide to try and push her to the back of my mind for now. I have other things to deal with anyways.

Like for example preparing myself for a family dinner.

I've already decided I'll only talk when spoken too, and try not to say anything snarky. I have a feeling Janette won't be talking to me much anyways. Our relationship is not in a good place right now and judging by the fact that I've only been here a day, It's only going to get worse and worse.

Suddenly I hear noise from downstairs, like a door slamming open and someone running inside. "I'm starving!" The voice calls. Azzy's home.

"Well you're just in time," I hear Adrian reply.

"Ooooo is that pasta!?"

"Sure is," Adrian chuckles. "Why don't you go get your brother. Then I want to hear all about your day."

"Yayyy!" Azaela cheers and then I hear her footsteps running to the stairs. It's sort of sweet the way Adrian is with Azzy. I can't help but feel a little jealous of her. She got out of the whole abusive dad thing and grew up with someone who treated her like an actual kid....

"Quinn! Hi," Azzy says breathlessly walking into my room.

"Hey squirt," I say ruffling her hair. She giggles and squats my hand away.

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