chapter 8

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The airport isn't too far away, as far as I know. But It's been about 7 minutes since we left the house, and that's a pretty long time to sit in silence if you ask me. I've noticed Mrs. Lamprey glance over at my mother nervously at least 5 times. Somethings obviously up, and I'm not going to lie it's giving me anxiety.

I can't sit still, and my legs been bouncing up and down uncontrollably. I'm also starting to get a headache again, but my pain meds are in my bag and technically I can't take one until tonight. My fucking arm is killing me as-well, that goddamn doctor was right, it's itchy as hell.

"Quinn, I need to get something off my chest," Janette finally speaks up, surprising me.

"Okay, what's up?"

"I don't want you ever smoking weed in front of me or my family ever again, you understand me? Don't think I didn't notice you and your friends getting up to it earlier. If I ever catch you with it again, there will be consequences." I was expecting her to say something, just not exactly this. Funny coming from her, what with all the drugs and smoking she used to do in front of me.

Not wanting to piss her off even more, I try to be civilized. "Yes, ma'am." It goes silent again for a moment before she turns back to look at me from the passenger seat.

"Are you hungry? We can get something quick at the airport." I notice her looking me up and down with a hint of... worry? in her eyes. Okay look, I might be a bit skinny but I'm strong as fuck.

"Not really," I reply honestly. She frowns and her worry look deepens.

"Well when's the last time you ate?" Shit, good question. I stay silent and just shrug, not really wanting to lie to her but not wanting to say the truth either.

"You need to eat. We'll get something there." She says, finalizing her decision and turning back to her seat. Honestly, she's kind of pissing me off with her big parental act. Fuck her.

When we arrive at the airport the time is around 7:40, meaning we have 50 minutes to go through security, get food, and be on our flight. I've never been to an airport before, so this is all completely new.

Walking up, I notice how comfortable Janette looks, like she's done this thousands of times. "I'll check us in and give you two a moment," Janette says. "It was nice meeting you, Becca. Thanks for everything," she smiles at her brightly.

"Of course Janette. I'll check in a few times as you get settled and once a month like I said. I hope you have a safe flight," Mrs. Lamprey smiles back. Janette walks into the building, leaving us alone.

"So! How are you feeling about everything, Quinn?"

"Like I'm being forced to move to Florida and live with a bunch of people I don't know." She laughs at that a bit and shakes her head.

"Look, I know-"

"Let me just stop you there. No more of those cliche social worker speeches you do, alright? I'm sick of it." She nods her head in understanding, looking a little upset again.

"Look, thanks for giving a shit. I know most social workers wouldn't. And I also know I'm an asshole and you've had to put up with my shit for a whole entire day, so you must be like totally exhausted." She brightens up entirely and once again laughs.

"You're right about that," she sighs. "But you're not an asshole Quinn. I see right through you. You put up this tough and blunt act so you don't have to express how you're actually feeling. You're so strong Quinn, I know that If I was you I wouldn't be able to stop crying."

"What did I say about the cliche speeches?" I say. She gives me a look and crosses her arms.

"I want you to know that even though it may not seem like it to you, you're mother cares about you." I scoff and roll my eyes. "It's true. Someday, even though it may not be soon, you'll realize it."

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