chapter 12

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Who would've known that a stupid kids show could actually be this entertaining? Goddamn that nanny is hot as fuck. We already finished an episode of Jessie but Azzy disobeyed her mother and started the next because she claimed that she can get ready really fast.

I finished about half the plate of breakfast but the eggs were kind of disgusting and I like bacon more than sausage so I gave up eating.

"Are you gonna eat that?" Azzy asks. She finished her whole plate of breakfast and was eyeing my food like it was the greatest thing she's ever seen.

"Go for it," I pushed the plate towards her. It'll get Janette off my ass if she sees the plate empty. Azzy grabs my plate and starts shoving the eggs and sausage into her mouth. Damn that girl can eat.

I realize my mistake, though. when Janette walks in the living room and sees Azzy with two plates on her side. She turns to glare at me.

"Quinn! Why did you give your breakfast to Azaela?"

"I was full."

"You barely ate any of it!"

"Haven't we already been over this?"

She sighs angrily and crosses her arms over her chest. "Azaela. Next time you want seconds come get some from the kitchen. Don't take any of Quinn's food. He's a big boy and he needs to eat a lot more, okay baby?"

Azaela looks a bit guilty and nods her head quickly.

"Now why don't you go get ready? It's almost 7:40," Janette says grabbing the remote and turning off the TV.

"Fineeeee," Azaela says hopping off the coach and running to the stairs.

"Don't you do that again," Janette warns.

"Yes ma'am."

Adrian walks into the room, changed into black basketball shorts and a white tank top that shows off his amazingly built arms.

"Do what?" He asks coming up to his fiancée and kissing her on the cheek, hoping to calm her down.

"Quinn gave his whole breakfast to Azaela. He thought he'd get away with it," Janette complains to him, acting like I'm not even in the room.

Adrian turns to me smirking a bit. "Don't like sausage?" He jokes.

"I'm more of a bacon kind of guy," I joke back, though not really putting much emotion into it. Janette is really pissing my mood.

"Me too, kid. I'll tell ya what, tomorrow I'll made bacon and all you have to do is eat it. Got it?"

"Depends if you're a shit cook or not," I quip once again just letting my mouth run without using an ounce of my tiny stupid brain.

He actually laughs at that, acting like I genuinely said something funny but I wasn't joking like at all. I like my bacon crispy. Those fuckers who purposely undercook their bacon deserve to be put down in the grave early. Fight me if you disagree.

"Trust me once you get a taste of my bacon you'll wish you'd of met me sooner."

"I'll take your word for it."

He stares at me smiling for a minute before breaking out of it and looking back over at Janette who seems, unsurprisingly, unhappy.

"I'm gonna go on my run babe. You gonna be okay here? Got enough money for shopping?"

"Yeah I'm all good," she says smiling at him. They kiss briefly and I fight the urge to gag.

"I'll see you later then," he says heading to the door and disappearing.

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