Chapter 7

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                   ~The easter bunny~

"I want to know more about Klaus" Elizabeth said looking at Rose.

"And why is that" Rose asked as her face twisted into amusement.

"By the way you were talking about Elijah im guessing that Klaus is more 'advanced' in his kills and getting what he wants" Elizabeth said choosing her words carefully as she took a step closer.

Elena's face was now shifting into a confused expression as to how her sister knew all this about Klaus and how she heard them talking.Elizabeth waited patiently for rose to go on.

"Well what do you want to know" Rose finally spoke. Elizabeth was now able to ask the question that was eating at her for the past few minutes of knowing she was Klaus's so called 'soulmate'.

"What does he look like?"

After all i should know what my soulmate looks like so i can find him

"I can't say." Rose said quickly in an emotionless tone, like she was compelled not to say.

"What do you mean you cant?" Elena chimed in.

"Nobody's seen his face. Ever" rose spoke calmly.

"Is he that ugly?" Elizabeth said under her breath.

Rose had heard what Elizabeth said and couldn't help but smile.

"Are you sure nobody's seen his face?" Elizabeth said trying to stall the vampire.

There was then a knock on the door and Trevor came running down the stairs.

"He's here! He wants me dead!" Trevor yelled in a frightened state. Rose walked over to him and placed her hands on his shoulders in a effort to calm him down.

"Look at me. What are we" rose said looking into Trevors eyes.

"We're family " Trevor said calming down.

As they walked away Elizabeth noticed that they weren't just two vampires but that of a family. Elizabeth sat down on the couch as she waited for Elijah to come inside the abandoned house.

£ With rose and Elijah

  "Elijah" Rose said greeting him in an almost royal tone.

"Is it true?" Elijah asked getting straight to the point.

"Yes" Rose said quickly as Elijah stepped into the door frame of the abandoned house.

"You do know if you are lying —I will know" the original said fixing the ends of his sleeves as he slowly walked closer towards Rose.

"We're not we just want our freedom." Rose said as they started walking towards the foyer.

"And you will" Elijah started but then in a halt stoped himself by the stairs; seeing the doppelgänger standing next to the woman that looked exactly like the girl that invaded his brother Klaus' mind and art room for years.

After a few seconds the original snapped out of his trance. Elijah used his vamp speed to stand in front of the doppelgänger and sniffed her neck to see if she was human.

he looked up to see Elizabeth looking curiously while watching his every move.

Elijah walked up to her taking in her features. As he walked closer to the girl he noticed how her hair was tucked behind her right ear and how her hands were playing with the sleeves of he gloves that sat below her stomach. He noticed her how her hazel kind eyes were calm as she watched his every move; wich intrigued the original . He moved in a circle around her when he stopped behind her seeing the mark of a bird he swore he had seen before.

His soulmate (Klaus Mikealson love story)Where stories live. Discover now