Chapter 10

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Elizabeth was awoken by the sun beautifully creeping in through her blinds, feeling this kind warmth she slowly got up off her bed stretching her arms far out and picked out her outfit. She pulled out a baby blue cropped hoodie and white low rise cargo pants.

She danced as she walked over to her bed to put her clothes down, turning around Elizabeths mouth fell open when she was met with the one and only Elijah Mikealson at her bedroom door. Elizabeth then straightened her posture and clasped her hands together.

"Elijah..w-what are you doing here?" Elizabeth said out of breathe.

"Sorry this is very informal, I've come to make a deal with you" Elijah said walking closer towards Elizabeth.

"What kind of deal" Elizabeth asked as he walked closer towards her.

"A deal to save your sisters life."

"What do you mean my sisters life?" Elizabeth asked furrowing her brows in confusion while taking a step back.

"When he breaks the curse, he has to drain every drop of blood from your sister, the doppelgänger" Elijah explains.



"Im sorry who?" Elizabeth asked and Elijah sighed.


As soon as the name rolled of Elijah's tongue Elizabeth felt chills go down her spine and down to her feet.

"Oh, well tell him I said he can't have my sister, for god knows why, and take me instead. I mean I do have the same genes  as her meaning we have the same blood, right?" Elizabeth rambled.


"Let me talk to him then!" Elizabeth said crossing her arms over her chest.

"That's not going to happen." Elijah stated confidently.

"why not?" Elizabeth asked crossing her arms and tilting her head to the side.

"My brother doesn't like to be told what to do"

"He actually lives up to his ego? I thought people just say things and never live up to them, hm" Elizabeth said then shrugged her shoulders.


"How do you know my name? And how do you know where I live? oh my god are you stalking me?!" Elizabeth says in a rush as all these ideas went through her head.

"Your sister talks about you, a lot,"

"Oh—" Elijah waited patiently as he noticed Elizabeth was about to go on another one of her ramblings. "Wait, since your Klaus— wait can we call him Keith? Yeah lets call him that— since your his brother don't you know what he looks like?"

"Yes" he stated, a confused look on his face as to why she changed his name to Keith.

"Sooooo what does he look like is she hot like you— I mean is he descent in the looks department? You know I should probably call in sick—" Elizabeth says the last part while quickly grabbing her phone off her nightstand. Elijah holds he phone by the top of the screen and looks at her with a smile on his face as if he were about to laugh.

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