#011 ☄. *Filming. ⋆°

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Jacob left my room; Mason and I followed him downstairs. We saw the others in the kitchen with a bunch of food on the table that they ordered.

They saw us coming downstairs and had smirks on their faces. I looked at them with a disapproving look and Brady started making kissing noises while some of the others followed him, gesturing it with their hands.

"Why are you two always together?" Tristan asked us

"We enjoy each other's company," Mason said.

"Well, you clearly made that obvious," Miguel announced.

"I bet they can't wait to start filming all of those kissing scenes with each other," Brady said

"Guys shut up, you're going to make dinner gross," Mady said

I rolled my eyes, but Mason just smirked. We sat at the table and began eating, I thought about what Brady said, and concluded that he was right.

"I'm so excited to start filming, even though I don't have much screen time," Jacob said

"Me too, it'll be so fun," Brady responded

"I'm kind of scared, my scenes are tiring," I said

"You'll do great," Tristan said with a comforting smile

"I can't believe we already start tomorrow," Mady said

"Yeah, time really flies by," Miguel said

"Yeah, I'm pretty excited to film with Ethan Hawke," Mason said

"Ong," I agreed

"You two are pretty lucky to film with him," Jordan said

"Yeah, I've always wanted to be kidnapped by Ethan Hawke so...," I said as everyone laughed

"You filmed lots of movies with such famous actors and now Ethan Hawke, that's crazy," Jacob said

"Yeah, the only person left who she needs to film with is young Leonardo DiCaprio," Miguel laughed

I opened my mouth in shock and say: "I would honestly sell both of my kidneys, to film with young Leonardo!"

"The sad thing is that will never happen," Brady said

"Let a girl dream," I said

"Why didn't they cast me as Rose in the Titanic?" I said putting my face in my hands and shaking my head as Mason rubbed my back

"Liv, I never knew you had an obsession with Leo?" Mady laughed

"Well girly, you should've done your research,"

My Love, Mason ThamesWhere stories live. Discover now