Chapter 6.

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A single step and there's more pain. "I'm fine, I'm fine," I sort of lie to Roland, and he shoots me a warning glare. "Okay, I will be fine. Leave me alone."

"Oh, I've tried." He tightens his arm around my shoulders then leans down and knocks my legs from under me, picking me up. I wince. "It can't be as bad as walking, right?" He carries me down the hall and upstairs to the third floor.

"I don't want another bruise," I pout.

"I'll grab some ice."

We're done the hall from his bedroom, I think, I'm not sure. He approaches a door that's slightly ajar and kicks it open. He flips a light switch and the dark room fills with sudden light. I squint but quickly adjust and see it's another bedroom, much smaller than the master's room but still a large bedroom. Unlike Roland's room with the simple decor of black and white, this room screams medium gray and forest green. The walls are green, the queen bed sheets are gray with green stripes, the dressers are gray, and the carpet is gray. Everything else in the room, like the armchair and the couch in the corner, is just as evenly balanced with the two colors.

"Here." Roland places me on the bed sitting up. "Smith should have something for the pain."

I shake my head. "I'm good. I'm good, you don't have to get ice."

"Are you sure?"

I nod. "Do you have anything for sleep?"

"Um...tea? Smith's been trying to get me to switch from beer to tea for sleeping."

I peer up at him. "Do you even know how to make tea?"

"No...but Kevin does."

"No, it-"

"You said I should wake him anyway. He can drive home after."

"Okay," I breathe.

"He'll be fine."

I nod, lowering my head. "Okay."

"I'll be back."

He leaves the room, closing the door behind him. I reach down and rub my knee, hoping to rub out some of the tension there, but it only causes more pain. "Shit." I lean back on my hands and glance around the room. I spot a lamp on the nightstand beside the bed and smile.


"Hey!" I smack his shoulder, and Kevin jolts awake. "What are you doing falling asleep on my couch watching a fucking vampire movie with Sterling?"

He glances around. "Where is she?"

"Upstairs in the spare room. Can you make tea? She wants to go to sleep but, apparently, she was sleeping all afternoon." I shrug. "I figured the tea Smith gave me will work." He nods and pushes off the couch. I follow him to the kitchen and fish out my phone from my back pocket. "Shit!" I hiss when I see what time it is. "Fuck, I gotta go! Just make the tea and bring it to her room!"

I rush upstairs. I run to my room. I sprint to my closet. I snatch my other phone from its spot on the shelf.

Luna picks up on the second ring. "I got the money, Roland, thanks," she blurts out.

"Don't hang up!" I shout.

There's a pause, it's quick but still scares the shit out of me. "What is it now, Roland?" She sounds irritated and annoyed.

"What do you think? Can I stop by in the morning?"

"No!" She snaps. "I tell you this every freaking time. No! You need to stay in your place-"

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