Chapter 23.

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A few days later...
I check my latest messages, and I'm instantly disappointed. I was hoping to hear from Luna since she's been basically ghosting me the last few days, but instead, Joe texted me already nine times tonight, reminding me of the party I'm supposed to have this weekend. I do it every year but I'm not sure about it anymore, it's always a wild event that lasts all night to fucking sunrise, and this year, I have Sterling. She can spend the day at Kevin's place with Kenya, but I'm afraid she'll think little of me or something. She begged me to stop abusing my use of alcohol, now I'm supposed to throw a party that usually gives at least a couple of people alcohol poisoning.

"Roland?" Kevin asks.

"Yeah?" I toss my phone on the empty seat next to me and look out the car window. The world passes by in a blur as we drive down the dark road at a high speed. We're heading home after a short night of pickups.

"Are you busy tomorrow?"

"No." I look at him through the rearview mirror. "Why?"

"Sterling asked me to take her out tomorrow and I just figured you were busy."

"I'm not...she didn't mention anything to me."

"Did you two get in a fight?"

"No." I grab my phone but instantly freeze when I see it's only one o'clock at night. Russell is watching her tonight and I told him to make sure she's in bed by twelve. I read somewhere that having a regular sleeping schedule and getting at least a full, restful eight hours of sleep helps with depression, so I gave Sterling a bedtime. And after eleven, I take away all her devices. She reads for an hour before going to bed.

"Do you want me to take her tomorrow?" Kevin asks.

"Yeah." It's odd that she didn't mention anything to me, but she and Kevin are still friends. If she wants to hang out with him, just them two, then it's not a problem for me.

Fifteen minutes later, we're pulling into the driveway.

I'm greeted by Russell as I walk through the front door. "Sterling's in her room but I doubt she's sleeping," he tells me.

I nod. "Are you spending the night here?"

"No, I got a fight tonight."

"Good luck."


He steps around me and leaves.

I walk upstairs to my bedroom. Sterling's in bed with a lamp again. Moose is lying next to her. "What are you making tonight?" I ask.

"I'm learning how to do a swan but I can't do it and hold the-hey, you're not mad I'm awake?"

I shrug. "You have trouble sleeping on your own." I walk over, grab the lamp, and hold it in front of her. She squeals happily, sitting up. She positions her arms in front of the light until her shadow forms what looks like a swan.


"Where the hell do you learn how to make these?"

Making what's supposed to be the wing of the swan flutter and move, she says, "oh, I draw animals in my book and figure out how to form it with my hands and arms."

I place the lamp on the dresser and she frowns. "I'm going to wash up."

"Is Kevin spending the night here?"

"No-that reminds me, you're going somewhere with him tomorrow?"

"Uh..." She makes a face like she can't believe Kevin told me about it. "Yeah."

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