Chapter 9.

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The next morning...
Sterling walks into the kitchen, skids to a halt when she sees me leaning against the counter-I guess I must've scared her-then makes a beeline to the fridge and opens the freezer door. She pulls out a pint of chocolate chip ice. I sigh, putting down my coffee mug. She takes a spoon from the drawer and places it in her mouth as she opens the ice cream. And I snatch the pint from her at the last second. 

"What the hell?!" She exclaims. 

"You're not eating ice cream for breakfast."

"It's eleven!" 

"It's still technically morning. And you just woke up." 

She rolls her eyes. "I woke up at six," she mutters, turning away. She looks through the fridge then pulls out a bag of baby carrots. "Where's Kevin?" 

"He went home after I came home. We have carrots?" 

"Kevin and I went food shopping yesterday while you were out." She moves in front of the sink next to me and leans against the counter so most of her back is facing me as she washes the carrots.

"Are you mad at me?" I ask. 


"Are you mad?" 

"Yes." She drops the bag of carrots in the sink and turns to face me completely. "Why is life so unfair? Why did you have to fall into that gang shit, anyway?" 

I stiffen. "Too personal, Sterling." 

Her grim expression only deepens as she nods slowly. "Okay." She grabs her bag of baby carrots out of the sink and walks away. 

"Sterling," I rush out before she can leave the kitchen. 

She stops in the doorway and turns to face me again. "Yeah?" 

"I think..." I clear my throat. "I think we should see your mom." She instantly lowers her head and peers down at the bag in her hands. "And I think we should go today just to get it over with, but I totally understand if you need more time. I just...I just want to tell her that you're, that you're staying here." 

There's a long pause of silence, enough time for my throat to close up and for me to regret ever mentioning it. But then she lifts her head and smiles. "You said 'we,' Roland, so thank you. Uh, let me know when you want to go and I'll get ready." 

"Later, I have to visit an old friend-and before you think the worse or even ask, no, it has nothing to with 'gang shit.'"

"Then can I go?" 

Well...this little meeting is about her... "Fine," I breathe. "Go get ready." She squeals happily, managing to thank me through her pig-like shrieks, then hurries out of the room. Damn kid is like a freaking switch with her emotions, I think to myself. But I guess that's just her finding the good in things and not dwelling on the bad. I pull out my phone and let my friend know that our guest of honor will be joining us. 

#   #   #

I put the car in park and then turn off the engine. "Thank God!" Sterling gasps, undoing her seat belt with shaky hands. "GROUND!" She damn near kicks the door open and falls out of the car. "Oh, I've missed you!" 

"Alright, it wasn't that serious!" I shout back. 

She pops off the ground like a damn jack in the box and places her hands on her hips. "Who gave you your license? Clearly, they don't know how to do their job." 

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