2. Self-defense... Really?

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On call

You: Hey eonnie babe, I am running late. But I don't want to delay the assignments, can I sleep over at your place?

Irene: Is that even a thing to ask?? I would love to have you over. My parents are out of town so come whenever.

You visited Irene a little later in the evening since you had a lot of things to wrap up at school. The moment you rang the doorbell, the door was swiftly opened and she sprang up to you like a little kitten and hugged you like a big bear. You giggled at her cute actions. She is always like that to you. Once she had even confessed that you were her girl crush and that she still couldn't get over you. You knew that her feelings were very much in control and so you are kind of okay with that.

You: You seem to be over-excited about my visit today... What's up?

Irene: I like seeing you at all times and I almost got a feeling that you won't show up.

You: I never ditch people I care for.

Irene: hehe. Hey, I'll just go to the wash and be right back, okay? We will work on the assignments after that. 

You: Cool. I'll set the things up here till then.

The moment she went to the washroom, you heard some faint noises in the house. On paying more attention you found that those were the sounds of water and it was coming from the kitchen.

You in your mind: I am sure she said that her parents were out of town. So who could it be? A burglar? I should have checked the front door before getting in with her. She has that habit of leaving it unlocked. I better go and check. 

You slowly started walking towards the kitchen without making any noise. You saw that there was someone wearing a black hoodie near the sink. Your suspicion of a burglar breaking in came true, and so you thought of attacking him right away. You saw a hockey stick at the corner of the room and you were about to hit his head, when he suddenly turned around and caught your hand holding the stick and turned you around. Your hand holding the hockey stick is now behind your back which is pulled to a hard chest. The other hand of that person held your other hand securely against your stomach. His head resting on your shoulder because he stooped a bit so that your arm behind your back won't hurt. You didn't know who it was until he spoke.

???: So we meet again y/n?

You: Jungkook? Is it you?

Jungkook: Yes. Good to know you have my voice registered in your mind. And by the way, nice stunt. You could have pulled it off better though. 

You: I am sorry. I almost thought you were a burglar and would have hit you hard. Wait... but what are you doing here?

Jungkook: Hit me? No one can hit me unless I want them to. I can detect movements even before they are executed. Remember how I didn't let you fall in the morning?

Your cheeks turned rosy at the mention of the morning incident where you bumped on him and he held you before you fell and hit yourself.

You: Huh?? What?? Just because you have some good reflex doesn't mean you are unbeatable. I know proper self defense, and it would be easy to get you on the ground in no time.

Jungkook: Self defense, really? Then must say that you have some really good techniques. It was impossible for me to block your movements. I mean, I almost broke my back trying to cease your arms of any movements.

You realized that he was being sarcastic and so you decided to change the topic.

You: Now I get it... You are one of those guys who keep troubling Irene to be their girlfriend?? You better get out of her house right now, before I call the cops. I won't care if you are my brother's friend or not. I can't believe that you saw a girl alone in the house and tried to get in. And as far as Irene is concerned, she is not interested so back off.

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