25. When you get drunk

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Jungkook: You are asked to spend the night in mine?

Your eyes widened at his words... you slowly turned to look at his face...his eyes... but you saw that there was a glint of mischief... you thought he was fooling around and so you decided to play on... you slowly grabbed his hand which was on your thigh with your face still wearing a cute smile at him. Then you spoke in merely a whisper to make it look more natural, keeping your laughter at bay waiting for his reaction.

You: I would loooove to...

To your surprise, his face didn't change expression at all. In fact, he looked happy. He gave you a smile back. And squeezed your thigh a bit. Your eyes widened. You definitely didn't expect that. You expected him to get flustered and turn his face away from yours.

You in your mind: What in the world? Does he really mean that? He would create a problem in my room just so that I spend the night in his? If it is not true then why is he not showing any nervousness? Did he really mean that and I just agreed to it like a total fool? What have I got myself into? But since it is Jungkook, I want to keep playing this game and see what he really would do. I need a better look. This is too casual. I better get dressed up for the game he wants to play.

Jungkook in his mind: You think you can trick me? I thought you would blush or choke on your food and stuff like that. But you want to play with me? I know you pretty well y/n. You can never be set for something like that. You won't even have what it takes to step up for it. Anyways, I would love to continue your little game of dare. And I'll make sure that I won't stop...not at least until you ask me to... Let anything be the consequence... you started it after all...

You all had really good and heavy dinner. After dinner, the guys were sitting at the table taking about games and stuff which you were least interested in and so you and Irene thought of exploring the place. Since it was Jungkook's, you were both being carefree. You then remembered your plan and told Irene about it. She was more than happy to help you. You spotted a cute dress store close by and went there and got pretty dresses for you both.

You and Irene went back to the diner where the boys were sitting. The boys were dumbstruck to see you both look so hot and cute at the same time. Jungkook couldn't take his eyes off you. You purposely brushed your hips on his shoulders while sitting down. You saw that he didn't blink his eyes even once. You now placed your hand on his thigh and gave it a light squeeze and smiled at him. You were somehow not able to understand how can he not react to your behaviour in the way you wanted him to. In fact, he looked pleased and happy that you changed your outfit and look more appealing. 

You couldn't take that he was not affected in the way you wanted him to be. You clearly thought he would be caught off guard with you wearing that kind of dress. You wanted to see his eyes pop out of their sockets, but instead you felt him eyeing you like an irresistible pizza. You grabbed Irene's hand who was seated next to Taehyung and asked her to explore the place with you again. After that you two started walking. Just a few minutes away you spotted a cute looking largely spread-out bar with cute bartenders.

Irene: Hey let's get your first drink at Jungkook's.

You: uh... not sure if I should... I have no idea how they would taste.... Maybe, I wouldn't like them.

Irene: If you don't like them, then you can stop. But you must try. This is like the best opportunity that a girl can get. Trustable friends and brother around to take care of you in case you go all looney. But I think you can handle a few shots, if not more.

You: I'm still not sure...

Irene: I am right here with you and I won't get drunk that easily. So, you can drink to your heart's content.

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