19. When he saved you from goons

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Jungkook and Irene immediately rushed out in search of you. He knew that you didn't have any vehicle since you came walking. And it was pretty dark outside.

Jungkook: I want you to stay here so that I can find y/n without difficulties. I don't want you to land in trouble. Stay inside. It is pretty dark.

Jungkook then stormed out without waiting for her response. He always felt that the place was not very safe for girls specially, late at night. He never thought that you would just walk out of the house without a word. He felt bad and all kinds of scary thoughts started coming up in his mind. He took his car and decided to search for you. He also called up his hyung and asked for his help.

Jungkook: Hyung, need your help. Y/n went out in the dark alone. Just try to track her using the cameras outside my house. Hurry up please.

Yoongi: Alright boss. Don't worry.

Jungkook: I'll check for her in her house till then.

With that, he cut the call. Jungkook reached your house and climbed into your room through your window. He stealthily went downstairs and saw that Taehyung and your mom were talking about you.

Taehyung: I don't understand why don't you just call her to return home.

Mom: I have already spoken to Irene. She said that they would be going for some shopping and so she might get a bit late. Stop worrying about her so much. When she is here, all you do is pick fights with her, now you are all worried.

Taehyung: She is the only sister I have. A pretty one. She looks way too grown up for her age, mom. You don't understand.

Mom: I understand everything. even I was a little girl at some point of time. So, don't teach me. She is safe with Irene. And I am sure that Jungkook would also be with her. He is very protective about her. He wont leave sight of her even for a bit.

Jungkook came back to your room again.

Jungkook in his mind: What the...? She hasn't come home yet... they confide in me that I will keep her safe, but it is due to me that she got upset and left the house without warning. I hope she is safe.

With that he got off your window and rushed towards his car. He then started searching for you on all the small roads and every nook and corner of streets. He didn't see you anywhere. It was now very dark. He got a call from your mom.

Mom: Hello Jungkook... Do you mind dropping y/n home once the girls are done with shopping?

Jungkook: Sure, aunty. In fact, I think that it would get late. If it does, then let her sleep over in our house. I'll drop her home tomorrow morning before her sports trials. Would that be fine?

Mom: Of course. No worries dear. Taehyung is actually very worried for her. I'll let him know. Take care. Bye.

Jungkook: Bye aunty.

Jungkook in his mind: That was close. But where is y/n? There is no sign of her anywhere.

Just then he got a call from Yoongi.

Yoongi: You need to rush home Jungkook. Situation is bad.

Jungkook started the car and started rushing back. He then spoke again.

Jungkook: What is the matter?

Yoongi: I was checking the footage in reverse order. There is no sign of y/n exiting your house. May be she is inside, but the bad thing is...

Jungkook: I will figure it out myself. I have reached home. I'll check it out.

With that he cut the call. As he neared the house, he sensed danger. The door was wide open and Irene wasn't someone who kept the door open even in Jungkook's presence. Something was off.

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