28. When love is accepted

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Jungkook: Let's recreate last night... but with you being sober this time...

You felt heat creeping up to your face instantly. You lightly pushed him on his chest and he gave a cute boyish smirk.

You: But what were the pills you gave me in the morning?

Jungkook: Come on y/n. You were seriously drunk. So, I got you hangover relief pills. They were supposed to help you with your headache also, which I think they did. What else do you think I would have given you?

You: I don't know. But I took them since I trusted you.

Jungkook: Thank you. 

You: For what?

Jungkook: For having so much trust in me.

With that, he gave you a quick peck and grabbed your hand.

Jungkook: We need to get back to finish our breakfast.

You: So, all of this 'pranking me' thing was planned right?

Jungkook: Yes. It was. And you sure looked cute. Haha

You: So where is Irene? She said that she doesn't get drunk that easily, then where is she? Why hasn't she come to see me?

Jungkook: She is safe. And just like Taehyung said she passed out pretty quick. By the time they reached his room she was fully wasted. It was because your drinks were spiked. The bartender who had served you first was actually not our employee. He had come for you, like to kidnap you, knowing that you were my...my love interest. But since you went off, he tried to get hold of Irene, but could not since she was sober, because you drank her drink as well, and so she tried to fight him. But then he gave her a quick neck slice which makes a person lose consciousness. And while she was losing it, he forced her to drink a spiked drink and tried taking her with him-

You: What? And then what happened to Irene then?

Jungkook: That is when we arrived and looking at us he ran and dropped Irene on the floor. You were stuck to me like glue and so Tae hyung offered taking her with him to his room. She is safe but fully wasted. Like dead weight, so, hyung didn't even bother changing her clothes. Not that she would be okay with him doing that-


Jungkook: I did. But I promise you, I didn't look at you while getting you changed.

You: How can that be possible?

Jungkook: I had fully tugged you under the bedsheet first, and then pulled your dress off of you. I had also closed my eyes, so that I ensure myself that I don't take a peek at anything that decides to show itself to me. I also made you wear the bathrobe in the same way, with my eyes closed from under the sheets.

You: You really did that?

Jungkook: I told you that I would never do anything that would make you hate yourself or get upset with me.

You pulled him to a quick hug, but he held on to you, almost lifting you in the process. You were now standing on your tippy toes to reach him and held on. You didn't mind the closeness with him. In fact when he was about to let you lose, he felt you still tugging on to him, so he quickly lifted you in such a away that your legs were now around his waist. You nuzzled your face more in his neck and he held on to you. Taehyung who was watching all this from afar, felt his body relax and happy to look at the genuine look of contentment on Jungkook's face.

Taehyung in his mind: Till now I didn't believe that you could actually be in love with my sister for real, but now, I am sure. You really do love her a lot. I won't be any kind of hurdle to your relationship. I will extend all of my support to you and her to nurture and develop your love fruitfully.

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