4. Stuck in an elevator with him

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The trial rounds were perfect. As usual, the sports master praised you and encouraged you to keep up with the practice regularly to get even better than the best. He then asked you to get some sports equipment for the next practice session, since that sports center is in your area of residence.

The next day you decided to visit the sports center for the sports materials after school and practice sessions were over. But your sports master asked you to pick up those items earlier and so you were dismissed after the usual school hours. 

You: But sir, I would miss the practice for today then.

Sir: Don't worry about it. I will compensate you for the practice time that is missed now. There are a few students who missed a few sessions earlier and so I have asked them to come on Sunday. You can also join them at that time. So you will not miss any practice sessions.

You: Okay sir. I'll go now. 

You in your mind: Oh. Today Taehyung oppa has extra classes. I have to walk home alone. So boring. 

Just then you saw a bouncing Jungkook coming your way.

You in your mind: Alone is way better than walking home with him. Please don't come and stop near me. Please don't stop near me.

And just as you least wanted, he stopped right in front of you with a cute smirk on his face.

Jungkook: No practice today?

You: There was, but sir asked me to pick up some items from that big store at the end of the street next to my house.

Jungkook: That means you would miss a session.

You: I would get that re-done on this Sunday. Like a compensation.

Jungkook: Won't you be the only one in school for that on Sunday?

You: No. There are a few more students who had missed their practices for various reasons, so they all would also come. Why ask?

Jungkook: Just curious.

Jungkook in his mind: Actually worried of you being alone in the school.

You: Okay.

Jungkook: You said that you would go to the store at the end of street of your house, right?

You: Yeah. The JJK sports & fashions.

Jungkook: Oh.. that's a big one. What do you need to buy? Why do you need to go there?

You: I have a whole list of stuff to get, so sir suggested that I would get everything under one roof instead of burning myself circling around different stores.

Jungkook: Can I join you?

You: Jungkook... you are being too kind. I don't want to bother you.

Jungkook: It's not a bother for me. (he whispered to himself: As long as it is for you.)

You: Well, okay then. See you later.

Jungkook: I'll pick you up at 7.

You: Sure. Thanks.

You waived him a goodbye and he dashed through the streets. You didn't realize that you were actually watching him till he disappeared from your sight.

At sharp 6:55 you got a message from him.

"We can leave if you are ready. I am waiting outside." -Jungkook

You read it and immediately ran to open the door. He was on a huge ass bike. Your eyes popped out. You fear bikes. You don't know why but you do. You have a feeling that you would fall backwards when you are sitting and hit your head. You went towards him a bit annoyed.

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