11. When he helped you with the dress's zipper

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The next day was a usual school day. Most of it was done with sports practice as the sports event was to be held in the next 3 days. Your sports master had given you an early off so that you could get enough rest for the event since you had been practicing very hard. This was hard to believe as the sports master always made you train harder each day so that you could get perfect for the event. But, him giving you half a day off was beyond imagination. Somewhere you were glad. 

Glad that he did give you half a day off since you had to go on a date with Jungkook in the evening and you had to get ready. That would be the first-ever date of your life and so you needed to look good. You had so much to do. You didn't even have a dress that would suit you to go on a date. All that your wardrobe consisted of were pants, joggers, jeans, shirts, tees, hoodies, and tops. You didn't even have proper skirts, so a dress was too far to even think of. You reached home after school. You rang the doorbell. Your mom and Jungkook opened the door for you.

Jungkook: Hello y/n. Took you quite a long time to reach home.

You: Wha...what are you doing here at this time?

Mom: He is here to help you with the PC contest. He said that he needed to take you out after lunch for some shopping.

You: But I am tired and I just came home. I need to have lunch first. I need some time to breathe at least.

Jungkook: You already had enough breaths, so now quickly have lunch and then we leave for shopping.

Mom: I have already served your lunch, y/n. Jungkook finished with his lunch and came over so hurry up a bit. Don't keep him waiting for long, okay?

You: (whispering to yourself) Why did he come here so early and how did he know that I would have half a day off?

Jungkook: I have my ways y/n.

You were startled hearing him speak from right behind you. You turned around and saw him having a poker face with his eyes directly looking deep into yours.

Jungkook: So now hurry. Even I need to get ready for our date. I have the clothes for the occasion, but you don't. So, I am kind enough to come here to help you out.

You: How can you help when you don't even know what I have and what I don't?

Jungkook: I know that very well. Your mom showed me your wardrobe and I can only say that, your wardrobe is...it is like...boyish. I can easily say that yours and Taehyung's wardrobe is almost the same.

You: Huh... shut up you big kookie...!!! Go away if you feel that embarrassed about my choices. Let's call it off. We are not going.

Jungkook: Oh hell, we are. Nothing is cancelling our date, not even you. So, hurry up. I have kept your clothes on your bed. Wear that and come. I will be in my car till then.

He winked at you and exited the room without waiting for your response. You also wanted to win the PC, so you had your lunch quickly and changed into the clothes that he had already put on your bed for you to wear. You quickly got your phone and wallet and rushed towards the main door. You ran and jumpingly sat inside Jungkook's car.

Jungkook: Excited much, aren't we?

You: Nope, just came fast to avoid my mom yelling at me.

Jungkook smiled at what you said. You both reached the mall close to your house. He quickly went inside dragging you holding your palm.

You in your mind: My hand feels so small in his. he is so strong compared to me. I feel like I weigh nothing to him. He has such broad shoulders. The oversized hoodie looks so good on him. His hair is so bouncy and shiny. I must say, he does actually look good.

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