13. When you find the truth about him

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Just then you saw Jungkook and that guy hug in a friendly way and then he went and sat in his car. They said goodbyes and the guy in the car zoomed off. You were shocked that Jungkook spoke well with him. You needed to find out what exactly was Jungkook and that kidnapper's relationship, but you wanted to take your time and pretend that you didn't see anything. You waited for another 10 minutes and then went to ring the doorbell. 

You could hear Jungkook talking to someone when he unlocked the door. Just then you saw that a few kids from your school were walking that way. You knew you had to act like his girlfriend in front of the school kids for the PC. So, you began your acting.

Jungkook: wo-aah...y/n...you here? At this time?

You: Why? Can't I be here?

You gave him a kind of seducing look. You spoke loud enough for the kids to hear you. Jungkook on the other hand, was so into you being extra nice to him that he missed looking at the kids who were just a few meters away from you.

Jungkook: You...you... can... of course you can be here...whenever you want to...

You brought your face slightly closer to his and spoke again.

You: So, can I come in then?

Jungkook: ya...yeah... why not...

You then peeked at the kids who were looking in your way and you thought of making it look more real. So you did the least expected thing.

You hugged Jungkook. Not the friendly hug. But a lover's hug, where your entire body pressed on his with your arms interlocking around his neck. For a second, he froze, but the next instant, his eyes darkened and he pulled you back in a hug with equal force. His hands pulling you closer by your waist and back. His hug showed desire and something more. He leaned in to your ears. You could feel his hot breath fanning your ear lobe. From far it looked like as if he was kissing you since he had angled his face that way. He spoke with a deep tone very seriously.

Jungkook: This hug better not be a joke, y/n...because I won't take this lightly if you wanna touch me for the sake of it.

You shivered but managed to speak.

You: Ju...Jungkook, calm down alright? Didn't you notice the school kids nearby?

Jungkook: Are we being watched?

You: Yeah. There are a few school kids close to where I am standing. They were at the end of this block, but now they are pretty close. One of them is a part of PC every year. So our closeness will help us through, if she believes that we are dating.

He then pulled away from what looked like a long, deep, passionate kiss to the kids and smiled at you in the most innocent way. You couldn't help but blush at his cute face and change in attitude.

Jungkook: Sorry to keep you waiting baby.

Before he pulled you in, he gave you a quick peck on your lips while you were still at the door and then pulled you inside, shutting the door with a loud bang. You were still shocked at his sudden kiss and decided to ask him about it. You completely forgot about the kidnapper thing.

You: What was the kiss for? You didn't need to do that.

Jungkook: I'll join you once I take a cold shower. And about the kiss, of course I did need to do that. They will think that you are affectionate towards me since you hugged me. I want them to think that I have same feelings for you, so I kissed you.

You: But still, you didn't need to-

Jungkook: It was just a peck. Next time, I'll give you a smooch. That would look even better to their eyes. Stay here. I'll shower and come.

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