Chapter 12: Return Home

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"Interesting plan Naruto, however many things must end up in our favor for your plan to work" Itachi said as he stood up, he looked at Sasuke and Naruto and gently smiled at them "unfortunately I believe it is time to take my leave. I have spent too long in the village, any longer and I will risk exposure."

Sasuke and Naruto rose up from their chairs. Sasuke tentatively approached Itachi and gave him an awkward one-handed hug, "be safe" he said, Itachi smiled back and said "I will otōto", while Naruto settled for a handshake and told him "safe travels." 

Itachi nodded and walked to the window, he put one leg over the window ledge and turned back to give them one last smile and dropped on the roof below. Sasuke stuck his head to watch him bounce from roof to roof, and stayed there till Itachi left his eyesight.

Sasuke walked back and sat on his chair with a warm and satisfied smile. Naruto nearly teared up seeing Sasuke so happy. He smiled and said "hey Sasuke, how about you and me go to Ichiraku Ramen huh? For old times sake."

Sasuke chuckled and said "didn't you just went there before you came to my house?" Naruto stood and pointed his finger at Sasuke and yelled back "hey I haven't been there in nearly 6 years, don't you damn judge me." Sasuke laughed, and eventually Naruto joined. Sasuke finally walked up and opened his door, and as he was leaving, he turned around and said "we'll come on, we have about 5 years worth of catching up and eating ramen." Naruto jumped out of the chair and scrambled to the door.


As they walked to Ichiraku Ramen, whispers and murmurs spread throughout the village, and soon the entire village would know that the Uchiha and the Uzukage was walking together laughing. They arrived their destination and Teuchi closed the shop just for Naruto's and Sasuke's privacy.

During their meal, they talked about their life, their missions, their love life (or lack of a love life), and the many things they have done. Their conversations were loud, and insults were traded with some fondness behind it. To be honest, both of them missed this kind of banter that was between them. The conversations slowly stopped being loud, and they finished eating, Naruto paid Teuchi, and sat there thinking. Sasuke remained quiet as well. Finally Naruto asked "so how was your training with Kakashi, I wouldn't be surprised if you gave me a run for my money in a fight."

Sasuke sighed loudly, "honestly I haven't trained with Kakashi for a long time. 3 weeks after you left, I was somehow cleared for Shinobi training, and of course Kakashi was there to teach me, we spent 2 months training together before I realized I wasn't learning anything new, he just kept making me repeat the same things everyday, and while training, he would ask me questions like 'if you had the power, would you chase down Naruto?' Or if you had the power, would chase down Itachi?' Or would you consider running away again to train with Orochimaru?' Finally I got tired of the questions and requested Tsunade-same if I could stop training with Kakashi, to which she agreed." "I see, so what did you do? Or how did you train for 5 years?" Naruto asked.

"Well for a couple of months, no really trusted me enough to train me, which I understood. So for 6 months I used the Uchiha library and I learned from the Uchiha library different types of genjutsu's, taijutsu's, and of course, lots of jutsu's. I learned mostly fire and lightning type jutsu's, but I know some water and earth jutsu's. I also learned a bit on how to use the tanto, which I am still training to use. And I learned some tactics and strategies for battle. People still ignored me until Jiraya came along. I was walking through the market when he approached me and complemented me on my training. And from then on, I was able to some things from other people. For example, toxins and poisons, and some interrogations tactics from Anko, chakra control and some healing jutsu's from both Ino and Hinata, and a lot about taijutsu from Gai-sensei and Rock Lee."

"Wow, that's impressive" Naruto said, Sasuke smiled "that's not all, all of that training lasted about 3-and a half years. However my final bit of training took me 1 year. And this kind of training needed Jiraya's help. After a couple of weeks looking for him. I found him of course peeking in the hot spring, I shot him with a little lightning bolt and shocked him enough for him to fall and get beaten up. Afterwards, I talked to him and asked for help with something I think you are familiar with. I learned some sage training." Naruto stood up out of shock "ero-sensei let you sign the Toad contract, ooh, I should apologize to him first for not becoming a Toad sage."

Sasuke chuckled "nah, Jiraya didn't let me sign the Toad contract" Naruto shouted a loud yes and apologized, Sasuke gave him a deadpanned look and continued, "as I was saying, I didn't the Toad contract, I found an Eagle contract lying around the Uchiha library, and so I signed it. And training to become a sage is one of the hardest things I trained for ever." Naruto laughed "I can totally agree."

Naruto stood up and looked at Sasuke, "well, I gotta go dude, I feel like I'm giving a Tsunade a headache, and wants me to fix it. See ya later." He then used the shunshin to disappear. And at the same time, an Anbu shunshin next to the table, "Uzukage-sama, Hokage-sama has requested for you in a meeting." The Anbu looked around and looked at Sasuke in a confused manner. Sasuke smiled said "he's already with your boss."

(Conference Room-Hokage Tower)

"Oh shut up Homura. I believe the kid that he can help us" Tsunade shouted. "Well yes, you may believe him, but I do not have all the facts to consider if the boy can help us in this upcoming battle" Homura responded. "And why does your opinion matter in the first place?" Tsume asked. "Me and Homura are both still village elders, and our opinions still does have some merit behind it" Koharu quickly said. And as the loud bickering continued, Shibi, Inoichi, Chōuza, and Shikaku agreed with Tsunade, however neither of them wanted to drop into the fight.

After 30 minutes of non-stop arguing, Shikaku let a loud sigh "oh what a pain in the ass this is. I agree with Tsunade and Tsume, I do believe Naruto and Uzu can help us. But I do also agree with Homura. We do not have enough info in them to know if they can give us a fighting chance in the war."

And as soon as Shikaku finished talking, the doors of the conference room opened up and Naruto walked, "easy fix, Tsunade, the two elders, and 1 one team of 4 to act as bodyguards, to accompany me and my Anbu back to my village, and there you may be able to see my people's strength." All eyes were on Tsunade, awaiting her decision. After 5 minutes of silence, Tsunade looked up and said "I agree to what the Uzukage-same has said."

Naruto nodded and said "good, we shall depart in one week, during this time period, you will be to chose a team that will be your bodyguard for this trip. Goodbye everyone, and please enjoy your day." Naruto then walked away and back to his hotel.

(Undisclosed area in Otogakure)

"From my sources, Tsunade and Uzukage will be traveling back to Uzu together Orochimaru-sama."

"Good work Kabuto, now leave I must plan for this moment. Orochimaru said. Kabuto bowed and left the room. Orochimaru looked to the corner of his office, "so are you ready for a little revenge?" "Yes" said the mysterious man, and as the moonlight reached the window, green eyes shone through the darkness, ready for revenge.

End Chapter

Yooooooooo, hello my very nice readers, I am so happy I was able to write this chapter. Thank you all for the wonderful support, comments, votes, and just reading this book. Sorry I haven't written in soooo long, I've been quite busy. But yeah, I wonder who is that mysterious man, stick around to find out.

1,403 words

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