Chapter 13: Mind if we take a look?

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Hey look, it's another chapter. Yay.


It's been a week since Naruto's proposal, and Tsunade has called her chosen bodyguards. One-by-one, Ino, Sasuke, Rock Lee, and Shino entered the room. "So I know you may be confused on why I called you four here today, but here is the synopsis, basically, for Naruto to prove himself that he can truly help us, we will be traveling to the nation of Uzushiogakure to his forces, and how well trained they are, and I have chosen you four to accompany me as my bodyguards. Will you take this mission?"

"Hai" said all of them in unison. Tsunade nodded her head, "good, you guys have a couple hours to get yourselves prepared, you all are dismissed."

As soon as they left the room, Naruto appeared out of an orange flash in the room with two bottles of sake. "Hey gaki, what are you doing here? And why the sake?" Naruto smiled sheepishly and held the back of his neck, "I know I've been causing you some trouble, so I got some sake as a apology. And also I realized that we haven't talked since I arrived."

"Thanks for the sake, I think we have some time to talk, so sit." Naruto took the invitation and sat in front of her. They talked and drank some sake. Later on, about 2 hours into their conversation and 6 bottles of sake from her drawer,  Tsunade was a little tipsy already. She downed a shot and asked "hey Naruto, yousha dating anyone yet?" Naruto laughed at her question, "nah, not yet." She made a noise of disappointment, "bahh, my grandson can't pull no bitches, I'm 50, and somehow, you haven't given me any grandchildren yet. Truly maidenless." Naruto blushed at her statement as any good grandchild would.

Looking at the clock, he stood up "sorry Tsunade but times up, I gotta get ready, and you need to make yourself decent." He then left the room.


About 3 hours later, Tsunade and her bodyguards, the two village elders, and Naruto and his Anbu squad was ready to depart. She left Asuma as last minute Hokage fill in. Her first choice was Kakashi, but no one knew where he was, then there was Gai, who immediately volunteered, to which everyone  immediately and fervently expressed their disagreement. And so Asuma, who had some experience in the Hokage area was chosen.

Tsunade waved to her people, and then started their departure.


About 3 hours in their journey, Naruto was bored. He forgot how long it took to walk someplace far, he became accustomed to using the Hirashin so much, he actually forgot how boring it was to walk.

He paused in his waking, and everyone stopped as well. He sighed and turned around to face the people. "Ahh, screw this" he pulled out a massive storage seal, and told everyone "get inside, or you walk to Uzu by yourself." Everyone immediately went inside. And after he closed the seal, used the Hirashin to teleport himself to Uzu, and after arriving at the village gates, he opened the seal, and one-by-one they exited the seal. Tsunade, Koharu, and Homura looked at the in amazement. It's massive walls, troops on the walls keeping watch, guards at the gate watching the traveling merchants, and the many people visiting.

They continued walking and entered the village, and were able to see how well respected Naruto was in Uzu. Everywhere he went, the civilians would bow,  and the shinobi would stand at attention, and all would call him by his respectful title. And Naruto responded them all with a wave, or a greeting.

They continued walking til they reached the village center where massive building stood place. The two village elders were astounded on how the Uzukage's tower, how well guarded it looked, and how the colors matched and contrasted from the dark violet, red, and white.

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