Chapter 14: "The war starts now"

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It's been a couple weeks since Tsunade and her two elders came back from their visit from Uzushiogakure, and tensions between the nations at are all time high. Each side at this moment is just waiting for a battle to break out and war to begin. The past few weeks Tsunade, Naruto, Gaara, and Mei been setting up bases, camps, outposts, and fortresses on their lands. So no far Tsunade has put fortress on the Lands of Noodles, Grass, Rivers, and Hotsprings. And of course multiple fortress on Konoha's borders. Naruto put fortress on the Lands of Tea, Waterfall, Rain, Sea, Wave, Vegetable, Stars, Snow, and Moon country. And then some outposts on the Lands of Demons and Bird. Gaara had set up multiple fortresses on the borders of Suna. And Mei had set up fortress on the Lands of Wave, Honey, Wolf, and Nagi island.

Tsunade was hard at paper work when she heard rapid knocking on her door. "Come in" she shouted, Shizune opened and yelled "Tsunade-sama, a messenger hawk has arrived. The messenger hawk has come from Kakashi in the Land of Grass."

Tsunade immediately stood up and extended her hand for Shizune to give her the letter. Tsunade opened it and read "Tsunade-sama. This is an urgent request for reinforcements, our sensors has sensed a large force of Iwagakure ninja coming our way, I fear this could very be the start of the war."

Tsunade put the paper down and yelled out "Shizune call all available ninja's to the front of the Hokage's tower now!" Shizune nodded and ran out.

She sat back down and sighed, "will we expect your assistance in this battle?" She asked no one. Air distorted in front of her, and what appeared was the legendary Toad Sage, Jiraiya. "I'll see, you know what I swore to you after Naruto was banished. I may help in information gathering, but I'll never ever pick up a Kunai for the Hidden Leaf anymore. But I'll tell the gaki to provide some reinforcements if he can for you guys."

Tsunade merely sighed and pulled out a bottle of sake from her drawer, "call the kid immediately Jiraiya, I sense that the war is soon to begin." She took a swig of her drink, and when she looked back, Jiraiya was gone.

She slammed the sake down, and went to her balcony, from below, a decent amount of 200 shinobi's appeared with more arriving every second. She sighed once more before she yelled out "Konoha shinobi! Today you shall mark this date. The day the world stood still and watched as the 4th Great Shinobi War began! Now as we speak, Kakashi Hatake's base of 300 Konoha shinobi's stationed at the Land of Grass, is soon to be attacked by a force unprecedented by Iwagakure, while I do not know how many Iwa sent, I know that the battle will be great."

"I have already prepared for this news to reach both Uzushiogakure, and Kirigakure. I hope they arrive on time. But as for us, we must prepare in case we do lose the Land of Grass. I want you all to start setting traps and getting ready. This is a command from your Hokage!"

A thunderous yell of approval came from the shinobi's. Tsunade allowed a small smirk to grace her face, as she pointed to the forests of Konoha, "well what are you waiting for? Start readying the traps!"

(Land of Grass)

Kakashi grabbed a kunai from his leg strap and threw at a Iwa nin piercing his throat, as he ran to retrieve his kunai, he engaged another in hand-to-hand combat easily besting him. As he retrieved his kunai, he sliced 3 Iwa nin's neck, cutting through like butter. Before throwing it once more a random enemy. Kakashi dropped to his knee out of his exhaustion, but as he rested a shadow overcame him, an Iwa nin clad in armor made of stone, summoning enough chakra, lightning surrounded Kakashi's hand, as he moved at high speeds to the man, before easily penetrating the armor and defeating the man in the rock.

Nearby him, The famous Ino-Shika-Cho was fighting their own battle. As usual, Inoichi took control of 15 men, while Shikaku trapped them in their own shadows, and Chouza swatted them away like flies. Taking a tiny break, Kakashi called Inoichi over as he finished throwing several kunai.

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