11 | how bad could it be?

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                                  billie's pov:

"bro that shit is so annoying to see," i rolled my eyes to zoe.

"hmm then maybe don't stalk her page," she laughed.

so yesterday, hasson posted this on her story:

so yesterday, hasson posted this on her story:

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i can tell that's her and lani. how fucking annoying. i guess hasson went to hawaii to visit lani.

"bruh i still can't believe they fucking date like," i shook my head. "how did they even meet?"

"billie you're acting like leilani isn't a famous model," zoe laughed. "she meets people in the entertainment world just like you."

"who asked you?" i squinted at her. i then looked at my phone for the time. "ugh i have to go."

"oh for amelia?"

"yeah she's still moving into her new apartment," i stood up from zoe's couch. "so i have to help her."

"aren't you such a good girlfriend?" zoe taunted.

"anything to keep her from trying to move in with me," i rose my eyebrows as i rolled my eyes. "i love her but she's crazy."

i left zoe's and drove to the apartment building where amelia's moving into. i parked my car and walked into the lobby.

i was about to press the elevator button when the doors went ahead and opened, revealing hasson.


we both looked shocked and confused to see each other. she nonchalantly elevator eyed me. "billie," she said as she walked out of the elevator, passing me.

"hasson," i squinted as i stepped into the elevator and turned to watch her in suspicion.

i thought she was in hawaii with leilani?? maybe she just posted that picture late?

i went up to the floor where amelia is moving and walked down the hall. i knocked on the door and she opened it to let me in.

"hi," she kissed me. "can you start with that box over there?" she said as she walked in the other direction.

"hey um, have you seen hasson today?" i asked.

"hasson?" she turned to me with her eyebrows furrowed. "uh no. why? is she in town? i thought from her story that she was in hawaii with leilani."

"me too but i just saw her in the lobby," i said. "i don't know. i just wasn't expecting to see her."

"who knows," milly shrugged. "maybe she just posted an old photo. was probably here seeing someone else."

"someone else?" i chuckled.

"yeah i hope she cheats on leilani," milly said.

"god, why?" i chuckled with my eyebrows furrowed.

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