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"No no no no no!" You cried out in frustration.

"Niki, go get Jungwon." Sunoo instructed.

"But-" Niki was cut off by a stern look from Sunoo.

He nodded and went to get Jungwon.

Sunoo could tell you were on the verge of having a panic attack, that being the reason he told Niki to get Jungwon, since usually when things like this happened, Jungwon and Sunoo were the only ones who could calm you down

"Hey, what's wro-" Jungwon stopped in his tracks and his heart sunk at the sight of you.

You were on the floor with your head in you knees, while Sunoo held your hands, trying to calm you down. Jungwon picked you up and brought you to your room. Sunoo followed and locked the door as Jungwon gently placed you on your bed and hugged you.

"What happened?" Jungwon asked looking at Sunoo.

Sunoo showed Jungwon the picture of you and Minho, making Jungwon furrow his eyebrows.

He was contemplating whether to scold you later about being more careful, but for now he knew you needed to be comforted. 

He sighed and pulled you onto his lap and engulfed you into a hug, while Sunoo was patting your back.

You choked on a few sobs and gasped for air, as you felt like you couldn't breathe. Your body was trembling from nervousness, and your hands were shaking.

Jungwon rocked you back and forth in his arms.

"It'll be alright." He whispered.

He pulled back, lifting your head off his shoulder.

"Take deep breaths." Sunoo said.

You gulped down all the air you could and closed.your eyes, trying to focus.

"That's it, good, breath." Jungwon cooed.

You took a few more deep breaths as Sunoo and Jungwon counted and did it with you.

You were able to calm down a bit. You sniffed and laid your head back onto Jungwon's shoulder.

He grabbed your shaking hands and rubbed them with his thumb. "You should rest." He says.

Sunoo agrees. "I'll let the others know she's fine, they're probably worried." He gets up and quietly exits the room.

Jungwon tries laying you down, but you resist. He sighs and you stay in the same position with your head rested on his shoulder, arms wrapped around his waist as his arms engulf your entire body and his hands rub small circles on your back.

After a while, Jungwon heard tiny snores coming from you.

He gently laid you on your bed. He decided not to leave you and laid next to you, keeping his distance.

He stared at the ceiling, thinking about what your manager would say and if you would be put on hiatus. He sighed and thought about something else.

Eventually, his eyes got tired of staying open. They fluttered closed and he fell asleep in the comfort of your bed.

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