*-Twenty three-*

524 20 5

It had been a while since the guys found out about your crush. 

The only one who knew exactly who it was besides Jeongin and Minho, was Sunoo.

Other than that, no one else knew you liked Jake. You kept the secret pretty well. You didn't act any differently, so even though the guys tried analyzing your behavior, they couldn't tell who you had the hots for.

The hype about your crush dwindled down over time, especially because of the comeback you guys had, you were all too busy focusing on that to worry snout anything else.

Currently, you were sitting in the living room with Sunoo and Jay, you were watching some random show, until there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it" Jay got up to answer the door. He greeted whoever it was with a shocked expression. "Mika, it's for you." He said.

You scrunched up your face, wondering who it could be. You got up from the couch and headed to the door, you gasped.

"LEA?" You squeezed your older sister in a hug. "I didn't know you were coming!"

"It was a surprise, duh!" She smiled.

"Do Kai and Hiyyih know you're here?" You asked.

"Hiyyih knows, she's actually waiting outside right now, I've come to get you and Kai, it's been a while since we've all been together." Lea explained.

"Really? Let me get changed and grab my things!"

You headed to your room and changed into some casual clothes.

You headed to your room and changed into some casual clothes

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You then said goodbye to the guys and left with your sister.

"Ok lets get Kai." 

You both took the elevator upstairs to the floor of TXT's dorm.

You stepped aside and Lea knocked on the door, Soobin answered. 

"Lea?! Mika?!?" He rubbed his eyes, squinting, you guessed he had just woken up.

"Did I just hear my sister's names? Kai came rushing to the door, letting out a surprised scream when he saw Lea.

" I can't believe you're here!"

Lea laughed. "I had some free time. We're gonna go somewhere, so get ready!"

Kai nodded and ran back to his room, and less than a minute later he came out fully dressed with his bag, ready to go.

He said goodbye to the members and the three of you walked out the building, where you saw Bahiyyih waiting.

You all walked down the street. "Where are we going?" Kai asked.

Lea shrugged. "Wherever you guys wanna go."

The four of you ended up going to an arcade, and it was very fun. After that, you guys ended up going to a cafe.

"So, anything new happening?" Lea asked.

"Nothing much, just comebacks and what not." You answered.

"Hm, well I heard something.." Bahiyyih started.

You all leaned in. "What?"

"Mika, you have a crush." She grinned, leaning back onto her seat with her arms crossed.

Kai looked at you with wide eyes. "You do?! Why didn't you tell me!"

You were shocked that Bahiyyih knew. "Wait wait wait, Hiyyih, how did YOU know?"

"Jay told me." She shrugged.

"Oh my gosh..." You buried your head in your hands.

"Who is it?" Lea asked.

You shook your head. "I'm not telling."

"Come onnnnn, tell us!" Kai whined.

"Maybe eventually, but now here and now, Kai you'll probably scream or something and cause everyone to stare." You snickered, and Kai hit your shoulder.

"Who else knows?" Lea asked.

"Well I told Jeongin and Minho, and Sunoo knows.."

You recall when you told Sunoo, he was shocked beyond belief.


(When Mika told Sunoo)

"YOU LIKE JAKE?!" sunoo whisper shouted.

You nodded.

"I would've never guessed him! I thought it was Ni-ki!"

You shrugged. "I love Riki, but not like that."

Sunoo let out a long breath. "Well this should be interesting!"

"Why?" You furrow your eyebrows.

"Don't you know? Riki likes you! Once he finds out you like Jake...he'll be heartbroken."

Your jaw drops. "Niki likes ME?!?" Sunoo nods. "Does anyone else like me? What do you know? Spill!"

Sunoo crosses his arms, and taps his chin. "I don't know much...I just know that Niki definitely has a crush on you..Jake and Sunghoon MIGHT have a crush on you, it's honestly hard to tell..."

"This is crazy.." You whisper to yourself.

"Indeed." Sunoo smirked.


(Back to present)

"Honestly, I'm surprised Jay was the one who spilled and not Sunoo, Sunoo's good at keeping secrets, but sometimes he talks a lot." You said.

"I think you should confess to whoever it is." Bahiyyih suggests.

"Nope!" You shut her suggestion down.

"You should! It would be cute!" Lea says.

You sigh and think about it. "I don't know.. Maybe..."

"Not without my approval first!" Kai huffs, making you and your sisters laugh.

You guys chatted for a bit more and finally left the cafe when it was getting dark.

Lea dropped you and Kai back to the dorm building.

"I'm glad you came." You smiled.

"Me too!" Kai agreed.

You guys all did a group hug, waving to Lea and Bahiyyih before you headed into the dorms.

Kai walked you to your dorm. 

"Whoever you like, they're lucky. Don't be nervous, okay?" Kai tells you, embracing you in a hug.

You nod. "Thanks Hyuka."

He nods and you wave goodbye to him as he heads to his dorm.

You opened the door and walked inside. Jay and Sunoo were.asleep on the couch and the others were in their rooms.

You quietly made your way to your bedroom and changed into your pajamas.

You thought about what your sisters said, maybe you should confess. But you needed to find out if Jake liked you back before you did.

But how would it go if you did confess? 

What would the company say? What would the fans say?

You didn't know if you wanted to find out....

(HI! I'm so sorry I haven't been updating, since school had started back up its been difficult to write. So please bear with me guys! Thank you for all your support, I can't believe we're at over 40k reads! I couldn't thank you guys enough!. Love you all!)

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