*-Twenty Nine-*

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A few days had passed since your hangout with IVE. You had stayed over for a few days and now you were leaving.

You were currently heading to the dorm.

When you reached the dorm, you unlocked the door and kicked off your shoes.

"Hey! Did you have fun?" Jay asked.

"Yep! It was nice." 

He nodded.

You headed to your room, screaming in shock when you see Sunoo sitting on your bed.

"What the heck Sunoo?!?"

"Hello to you too." He grins and pats the space next to him.

You sit. "What's up?"

He takes a deep breath, "Okay, so since you've been gone, there's been like, a LOT of tension between Jake and Niki, we don't know why, they won't tell us.. But I suspect it's something about you."

You raise and eyebrow, "Why do you think it's about me?"

"Well they both like you, they're probably like, competing to win you heart or something." He shrugs. "Buttt it's obvious Jake is the winner, since you're dating him."

Your mouth drops open, "How did you know?!?!"

He rolls his eyes, "It's obvious! I know you like him and I know he likes you, I really wasn't expecting you two to get together soon because your both cowards, but the other day before dinner I saw you come out of his room." He explained.

"I knew you knew something.." You groaned.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, promise." He held out his pinky and you latched it with yours. "But you can't keep it from the rest of the guys forever, tell them before they find out themselves! And please for goodness sake find out what's going on between Riki and Jake, it's concerning."

You nod, "I will."

"Good, nice chat!" He stood up and blew you a kiss before leaving the room.

You went to look for Jake, he was in his room.

He gave you a smile, "Hey Ika."

"What's going on with you and Niki?" You cut right to the chase.

His face falls and he sighs. "Its not really something I should be upset about.. Well, it is but it's complicated. He did something and it wasn't right..."

"What did he do?" You inquired.

Jake shakes his head, "He needs to be the one to tell you Gem. Not me."

You face furrows in confusion. "Okay then..where is he?'

"At the company."

You nod, "Okay then, I'll be back." You give Jake a peck on the cheek and go to find Riki.

You decided to walk to the company, which wasn't such a good idea since it was cloudy and looked like.It was going to start pouring any second, but you made it into the building before it did.

You searched several of the practice rooms, you found Niki in one, along with Yeonjun and Huening Kai.

Niki and Yeonjun were dancing to TXT's new comeback song, while Kai was filming.

You waited until they were done to clap.

"Oh, Mika hey!" Kai gave you a hug.


"What brings you here?" Yeonjun says, side hugging you.

"I was looking for my group mate, but it looks like you guys stole him." You chuckled.

"Oops, you can have him back now!" Yeonjun laughs.

You motioned for Niki to come with you, he grabbed his bag and waved to your brother and Yeonjun.

"Mika don't forget you have to film a dance challenge with us too!" Kai yelled after you.

"I will!"

You and Niki walked through the empty hallways for the building.

"What's up?" He asked.

"What's happening between you and Jake? Jake said you did something but he wouldn't tell me what you did."

"Oh." He seemed taken aback by the question and stopped to turn to you.

"Mika..before I tell you this, promise you won't get mad at me..well scratch that, you can be mad just promise you won't hate me."

"I could never hate you Niki, just tell me."

He takes a deep breath, "Well I- I like you Mika, you might know that already.. But that night when we were watching a movie and you fell asleep, I..I kissed you.."

A small sound leaves your lips. You couldn't speak and even if you could you didn't know what to say.

"I know it was wrong, I did it without your consent and I'm so sorry Mika, I'm ashamed of what I did..I wasn't thinking at all!"

"I- Riki I don't know what to say..." You shook your head.

"Do you..do you hate me?" He asked barely in a whisper.

You shook your head quickly, "No I just, I need to think, okay?" You gave him a small smile.

He nodded in understanding and walked away.

"What the heck?" You whispered to yourself.

You were upset, of course, he kissed you without your consent! But you just couldn't bring yourself to fully be angry at him, he was one of your best friend's, and he apologized. What he did was wrong but he knew that and acknowledged it, that was good, right?

You sighed. You didn't want to go back to the dorm yet, you needed a distraction.

You headed into one of the practice rooms and turned on some music, letting yourself freestyle.

You spent a good hour or two dancing, finally stopping when you realized how late it was.

You grabbed your things and left.

As you were about to leave, you heard a familiar voice shout your name.


"Mika! I've been looking for you everywhere! Did you not get my calls?"

"No?" You said, puzzled.

"Probably didn't go through." He groaned.

"Anyways, c'mon. The guys sent me to get you." He opened his umbrella and you both stepped outside and into the rain.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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