I-Werewolves and Death-I

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-Where relationships are formed, Discoveries are made, Trust is broken, and Character is developed-

~"Smell things? Like what?"

"Like the mint mojito gum in Stiles' pocket. And the disgusting coffee gum in yours."

~"Huh? This is private property."

"You can come on my private property."

~"Six, now is not the time to unleash your gay."

~"Six, Danny, we get it. Your additional gay comments aren't necessary."

"Then don't act like a moron."

~"Oh, the guy we saw in the woods that we saw the other day. The one that Six nearly blew a fuse over."

~" All right, Six. Talk to me. Any special girl in your life?"

"No. Girls are psychotic. No offense. I swing for the other team."

~"Frontotemporal dementia. Oh my God I'm gonna die."

~"What can I do for you, Mr. Hale?"

~"That was a little rude."

"It's my brother."

~"Six, you seriously need to stop thinking with your dick."

~"Seriously? I'm the girl? At least I'm straight!"

"At least I'm not a virgin!"

~"What do I do if I start to shift?"

"I don't know, try not to kill anyone?"

~"Your ass must be jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth."

~"What the hell are you doing?"

"Fixing my car. What's it look like I'm doing?"

"It looks like you're blindly playing with buttons."

~"Hot, dreamy, Derek."

"Who still scares me. Why doesn't he scare you, Six?"

"Six thinks with his dick, not his head."

~"You can't kill an Argent."

"I'm already dying, why not take a few bad guys down with me?"


"He's dying? Thank God."

~"I met someone. His name is Six and he's dying."

~"Oh, he looks comfortable."

"You never know, Sti. Duct tape can be pretty fun when you use it right."

"Ew, Six, what the hell?"

~"You can really mess up your hand doing that, ya know?"

"Eh, it doesn't really affect me. I'm ambidextrous, I can use my other hand to jack guys off."

~"Just let me take a look."

"If your head gets cut off, I'm fucking done."

~"You know, maybe Six should call your dad. Maybe he has favorites and will answer for him."

"If I could move, Whittemore, I would get up and strangle you."

~"Okay, what the actual fuck is the point of SOH CAH TOA?!"

~"I would rather try to tickle the alpha than do Geometry."

~"Guys, he's watching us."

"A lot of people watch us. We're weird."

~"If I weren't a cripple right now, I'd jump your bones."

~"Uh, sorry, funny part in my book."

"You're reading the Crucible."

~"Why didn't I expect you to have abs?"

"Beats me. I've only been in lacrosse all my life."

~"I may be a lightweight, but at least I'm not begging on my knees to be turned into a werewolf."

~"Yet you've got no problems doing the Cha Cha Slide."

"What kind of teen would I be if I DIDN'T dance the Cha Cha Slide?"

~"Keep him close. You don't want to lose-"

The Wolf and His MoonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant