
3.2K 44 16

Y/n = Your Name
L/n = Last Name
H/c = Hair Color
H/l = Hair Length
E/c = Eye Color

Age = 25

IQ = 295

Love Interest:


Your Alias:

The General

Your Gang:

The Warriors


Mr. Freeze


Killer Croc


Master Tactician

Master In Hand-To-Hand Combat

Weapons Expert

Military Training

Master Parkour Skills

Knows Gotham In & Out

Engineering Skills



In Suit:


Titanium Knife

Glock 17 Pistol

Remington 870 Shotgun

M4 Carbine Assault Rifle

Mk 22 MRAD Sniper Riffle


The Narrows-- This whole area is, by far, known to be the worst district in Gotham. After the Wayne's murder, the district became overrun with crime and poverty. The district is full of slums, run down buildings, and the poorest people in the entire city. The ones who can't get one of the few jobs available resort to theft, begging, and prostitution in order to survive.

The Bowery-- This district is known as the best shopping center in Gotham. The Bowery is home to Jezebel Plaza, dozens of shops, and the natural history museum. The Bowery is also home to the Iceberg Lounge, one of the best nightclub in Gotham. The Iceberg Lounge is also run by the Penguin, who uses it to run his criminal operations from behind closed doors.

Chinatown-- As the name implies, this district is home to Gotham's Asian population. The locals are usually not to keen on most people in Gotham and like to be left alone. But that hasn't stopped the district from being built up. The entire area is home to all sorts of Chinese restaurants, stores, and other locations. And even several fancy hotels and office buildings call this district their home.

Little Italy-- Little Italy is quite a sight with both locals and Gotham citizens. The district was once home to Gotham's oldest crime families. Though they aren't around anymore, the families built the district to what it is. All sorts of fancy restaurants, a few five star hotels, and the Gotham Opera House. All in all, Little Italy is quite an amazing place for those who want the Italian experience.

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