Ch 9: Riddle Me This

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Your P.O.V.

February 1st

It's been two days since launching the attacks on Penguin. And rumor is that he seems to be very pissed off about it. After all, losing a few porn studios and a weapons cache makes him look weak. On top of that, the Warriors now have a small foothold in Chinatown and Little Italy. Granted, it's not exactly a perfect advantage for us right now. Because Penguin could easily send men to try and take them back. But Penguin will likely try to increase security for his other businesses first. He'll likely think that any one of them could be a target. After all, one of the rules of war is to never underestimate your enemies.

And it was obvious that Penguin wasn't going to let his operations get hit again. Which is why information is a key asset to have on your side. That's why I've been tracking any radio signals that Riddler uses. It took me only an hour to lock onto Nigma's signal, but the only issue was tracking it. After all, he had it bouncing from several different relay devices. And it would end up changing every thirty minutes too. To add insult to injury, Nigma has several firewalls set up for encryption. But it didn't take me long to hack through the firewalls to track Nigma's signal. All I had to do was wait for an exact location, and I'd have him.

But I'm not going to kill him, I want to make him a deal. I'm going to try and convince him to come and work for me. One reason being to use his informants to gain intel on the other gangs. But the main reason is that I want to use him to distract Batman. This way, Batman will have to focus on taking down Riddler. Of course, Nigma has trophies hidden all over the city. He could also easily have fake bombs made to trick Batman into finding them. And the only way to find them would be to solve his little challenges. So in other words, Riddler is a pawn I plan to use as much as I can.

Right now, I was in Cherry's, waiting for my computer to lock onto Nigma's location. There hasn't been any issues to deal with in the last few days that I had to deal with. So things were pretty calm right now as I watched the crew train in the ring. I knew they would need as much training as possible to stand a fighting chance. After all, we can't rely on basic fighting and bar brawling skills. Which is why I have the Warriors train as much as possible to get them from street thugs into proper fighting soldiers.

That's when I heard my computer start to go off. So I checked to see I finally had a location of where Riddler is at. And it turns out he's in an apartment building near the GCPD building in Old Gotham. Honestly, it was a clever move on Riddler's part in some way or another. I mean, who would think to look for a criminal near a city's police station? So now that I know where he is, I can try and make a deal with him. And let's just say that I have a way of being persuasive when it comes to it.

So with the address, I made my way to the apartment building. I was able to use some tech I placed into my suit to keep Riddler's signal locked in. This way, I can keep track of where exactly he is. Using my jetpack, I flew over to the apartment building before landing on the roof. Upon arriving, I deactivate my jetpack before slipping in using the entrance on the roof. And I made my way down the the third floor as I followed the signal. Once on the third floor, I kept tracking the signal until I got to room two-eighteen.

Once there, I easily picked the lock on the door and entered. That's when I saw Nigma using several computers and servers. There were some green question marks painted on the walls. On top of that, there were several blueprints and a couple maps of the city. It looked like Riddler was trying to find some way to defeat Batman. And he seemed to caught up in whatever he was doing to notice me. So I started to approach him, the floor sent out an electrical shock. Though it didn't effect me as I jumped onto a coffee table at the last second.

Then Riddler pulled out a pistol and started shooting. He likely figured I was either Batman, a cop, or possibly an assassin. Though I was easily able to dodge each bullet until he ran out of ammo. Then for some stupid reason, Nigma decided to throw the empty pistol at me. Honestly, Nigma seemed to be the extremely paranoid type. So it was probably mostly out of instinct, but a stupid mistake regardless. Then I jumped and grabbed him by the throat before he could do anything else. And it was then that he finally saw that I was not Batman or police. After he calmed down a bit, I let him go so he could talk properly.

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