Ch 7: Next Steps

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Selina's P.O.V.

Its been a couple days since the death of that Sampson guy. Now it was already almost the end of January, and a lot is changing. For starters, Y/n managed to finish the battle armor he's been working on. And I was surprised to see what he was able to do with the little amount of things he had. He also seems keen on testing it out the first chance that he gets. So I'm sure that it's going to get a lot of peoples attention. But it's not the only thing that's been going on in the last couple days.

Y/n's gang, which he now calls the Warriors, runs the Narrows. With the death of Frank Jones and Sampson, his gang grew. And now, he had every criminal in the district working for him in some way or another. On top of that, there wasn't anymore shoot outs going on every other day. So at least now things can hopefully start to get better. Especially since the people here don't have that much. I should know, since I grew up and lived in the area for quite some time.

Right now, I was at Cherry's waiting for Y/n to show up. From what I heard, there was an issue with a brothel owner not paying up. So Y/n went to go and attempt to make some sort of deal with the pimp in charge. And I had a feeling it was likely going to end with a change in management. That is, at least, if the pimp tried to do something real stupid. So until Y/n got back, I was going to have to wait for him.

Now usually, by this point, I'd likely have been long gone. But there was just something about Y/n I couldn't put my finger on. It's as if something was drawing me to him somehow. I don't know what it is, and it's really starting to bother me. So I was just sitting off to the side watching a fighting match as I waited. After a few rounds, Y/n came back with the few men that he brought with him in case things got messy.

And from the looks of it, things did get a bit messy. He had a couple bruises, likely from some fighting. And I knew that it had to be that pimp Y/n went to make a deal with. My guess, the fucker pretend to accept Y/n's deal and caught him off guard. That, or he had a bit of muscle who ganged up on Y/n. Either way, my guess is the pimp is dead and already in the river. Once Y/n saw me, he gestured me to follow to the office.

Once I met up with him, we made our way inside. And there was Ryan, going over a map of the whole city. He had been marking territory that belongs to the other gangs. And he was placing chess prices at certain points on the map too. All of which was likely where the gangs base of operations were, possible safehouses, and more. It was pretty obvious that Y/n was making sure he was ready for a war. And all of this just to get revenge for what Joker did.

Ryan: Hey boss, Ms. Kyle, glad to see you're both here and in one piece.

Y/n: Yeah, the pimp I went to see got a bit defensive. Got in a couple shots, not that he's going to be doing it again.

Selina: Figures, and I'm guessing he's the type who abuses woman?

Y/n: Yeah, and the guy had an ego to match too. So did you manage to get a decent layout of the other gangs, Ryan?

Ryan: Yeah, take a look.

We all turned our attention to the map of the city. It had a layout of every district, all of which was controlled by a different gang. Of course, I could tell the next few months were going to be very long. But honestly, who knows how things are going to work out. After all, I knew that Y/n was doing this to get revenge. But I couldn't help but wonder if there was some other reason or not. After what happened with his family, I'd hate to be Joker. And who knows what Y/n is going to do when he gets his hands on that psychopath.

Ryan: First is Penguin, who is in control of the Bowery, Chinatown, Little Italy, and Otisburg. He controls all of the illegal weapons and diamond trafficking, and a large amount of pornography studios.

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