Ch 3: Fight Club Brawl

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Your P.O.V.

It's been a couple of weeks since my family was killed. And in these couple weeks, I've had a better time being able to move around. But the nightmares about my family are still showing up almost every night. Sometimes, it's them being butchered by the Joker. Other times, it's them being burned alive in the bar. And every time that I have one, I always wake up screaming. There just seems to be no end to any of the nightmares either.

After meeting Selina, she revealed to be the thief Catwoman. It turned out she grew up on the streets and had to resort to theft to survive. I agreed not to tell anyone about her safehouse as a thanks for saving me. But I knew that I had to get my things together before I could go after Joker. And the first thing that I had to do was get my stuff from my old home. Or at least what was left of it after the fire destroyed it. I have no idea if anything survived the night of the fire.

It was late right now and Selina had just got back from robbing a jewelry store. She agreed to help me get my stuff since the house and bar were both likely unstable. Fortunately, Selina had gotten some clothes for me at a nearby thrift store. So once I was ready, we made our way to my family home and bar. After a long and silent walk, we got to what was left of my old home. The house was all but destroyed as the top floor was gone. And the main floor for the bar seemed to have been badly damaged from the fire.

Selina: I doubt we'll get in through the front door.

She had a point, the front door seemed to be blocked from the inside. So we had to find another way to get into my old home. So we searched around and found a window leading into the bar. After climbing in through the window, my head started pounding. Then I started having flashbacks of what had happened to my family. Joker using Harley's bat to beat Alex to death and then killing my parents. And as the flashbacks hit me, I was stumbling to keep my balance.

Selina: Y/n? You alright?

Y/n: I'm... I'm fine.

After a couple minutes, the flashbacks had stopped coming. Once they did, I took a moment to collect my thoughts. After all, I knew I had to focus on what I needed to do. So Selina and I made our way downstairs to the basement. And surprisingly, it seemed to have survived most of the fire. Though there were still a few visible burn marks on a couple walls. Once I saw the safe, I put in the combination my dad used when he first got it. After I opened it, I found my titanium knife, Glock 17 Pistol, and military uniform.

Once I had what I needed, we left the bar through the window. I took one last look at the place before letting out a sigh. I knew that it would be a while before I would come back. But I was planning on rebuilding the bar to honor my family one day. With that, Selina and I made our way back to her safehouse. Now that I had some weapons, I had to figure out what my next steps were. Because right now, Joker was locked up at Arkham Asylum because of Batman.

To think he actually believes he's doing good for Gotham. It's practically his fault that it's in the state it is right now. His code prevents him from killing those he thinks are redeemable. But I know for a fact that there are criminals who are beyond redemption. So I'm willing to kill whoever I have to in order to get to Joker. But I knew getting into Arkham would be a difficult task. And so, I had to find a way to bring Joker to me.

Selina: So, what happens now?

Y/n: What happens is that I'm going to kill that fucking clown.

Selina: Yeah, but you aren't going to be able to do it alone.

Y/n: I'm sure I'll manage.

Selina: Listen, at least consider getting some sort of training. You'll need as much strength as possible if you're going to go through with your plan.

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