Ch 5: On The Rise

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Selina's P.O.V.

Over the last few days, Y/n's been using his gang to gain influence in the Narrows. And it seems like after what he did at the warehouse was a major step forward. Because it ended up bringing in a few dozen recruits into his gang. Between that and the guns they had, they seemed to be off to a good start right now. But I could tell that something was bothering Y/n, and I had a feeling I knew what.

Right now, we were at Cherry's and the fight club was going. Y/n was watching from the office that overlooked the ring. And from the looks of it, he seemed like he was in deep thought. I was by the staircase that lead to the office that Y/n was in. I was considering going to check on him, but I decided not too. After all, he was probably thinking of ways to kill Joker. I mean, after what that psycho did to his family, I couldn't blame him. Then Ryan came rushing up and seemed like he was probably going to pass out.

Selina: What's up with you?

Ryan: Frank Jones and his men are coming to attack!

Selina: Well, shit.

Your P.O.V.

It's been a few days since I took over the old warehouse. Once it was clear, the guns that Frank had now belong to the crew. And I have to say that things seem to be going well for us right now. With the weapons we got, it help us in more ways then one. For starters, we now had more than enough guns to equipt the gang. Not only that, but we also found some important information there too. It turned out that Jones had a few other small weapons caches around his turf. So I went and cleared out each one for the gang to secure.

Next, there was also a couple of hidden drug caches too. It turns out that Jones was buying cocaine from Black Mask. So he was clearly selling the drugs on the streets for extra cash. Of course, I had made my way to the caches to deal with the drugs. By which I mean I set fire to them once I killed Jones men. After which I put out the fires so they wouldn't spread. So let's just say that Jones was going to be pretty pissed off. After all, losing those caches is going to hurt his businesses badly. And that's going to make it hard for Jones to keep his crew together.

And finally, the crew was getting dozens of new recruits. The news of us hitting Jones and his gang spread like a wildfire. Not only that, but people also heard about Cherry's "unfortunate" passing too. And people were glad that things were starting to change. After all, with the Narrows like it is, multiple gangs were a problem. But one gang could bring change if you have the right tools to do so. And with only one gang in the Narrows, things were going to change soon. Because with me as the leader, this band of thugs will become a powerful crime syndicate.

I was in the office that overlooked the fight club in Cherry's. I was thinking about how to hit Jones and his crew next. At this point, he had no more caches left to take. And I knew he was likely going to retaliate sooner or later. So I wanted to make sure that he was dealt with before that happens. As I was thinking, Ryan and Selina came rushing into the office. And from the looks of Ryan's face, I knew that it only meant one thing. Frank Jones was coming to try and kill me and everyone here. And I was already thinking of a way to stop that from happening.

Ryan: Boss, Jones and his crew are on their way here right now.

Y/n: Not surprising since we've been hitting him for days now.

Ryan: Look, we need to get everyone out of here now!

Y/n: Hold on, how long do we have before they get here?

Ryan: About ten minutes.

Y/n: Ok, here's what we'll do, we ambush them before they get here. And we take them all out before they have a chance to attack properly.

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