The Chamber of Secrets: Part 3

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[Fred walks to the window and opens it to unlock the door.]
Fred: Come on. Okay, come on. Shhh! Shhh!
[Fred is checking that the coast is clear then beckoning the others inside.]
Fred: Okay, come on
Ron: Do you think it'd be all right if we had some of this?
[George is half smiling.]
George: Yeah, Mum would never know

"Molly always knows," The Prewett twins say together with a shiver knowing how scary their sister could be.

Ron: It's not much, but it's home
Hazel: I think it's...brilliant

The Weasleys smile at Hazel's reaction to their house loving how she looks so amazed, now knowing she never had anything like it.

[Ron looks up. Sees Hazel's mesmerized face. Ron slowly smiles.]
Mrs. Weasley: Where have you been?

"Jump scare much," Barty says hold his chest on the wrong side.
"You're heart is on the other side," Regulus says shaking his head at his friend.
"I knew that, I was so scared it managed to go to the other side of my chest," Barty says back.

[The boys nearly jump out of their skin. Mrs. Weasley stands in the doorway. Furious. She smiles sweetly at Hazel.]
Mrs. Weasley: Hazel, how wonderful to see you dear
[Mrs. Weasley turns back to Fred, George and Ron.]
Mrs. Weasley: Beds empty! No note! Car gone! You could've died! You could've been seen!

"What is with people thinking being seen is worse than death," Multiple people complain outloud.

[Mrs. Weasley turns back to Hazel.]
Mrs. Weasley: Of course, I don't blame you, Hazel dear

"Bipolor much-" Fred mutters pouting on how differently Hazel was treated.

Ron: They were starving him, Mum! There were bars on her window!
Mrs. Weasley: Well, you'd best hope that I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley!

"Oh I'm sorry for not believing you Ron," Molly says quietly.
"It whatever, hearing it now I see why wouldn't believe me, it sounded so random and unlikely to happen," Ron says back.

[Mrs. Weasley starts softening instantly.]
Mrs. Weasley: Care for a spot of tea, Hazel?
[Ginny is walking down the stairs.]

"Oh no-" Ginny says knowing what is coming and hides her face while Hazel snickers.

Ginny: Mummy. Have you seen my jumper--
Mrs. Weasley: Yes dear. It was on the cat
[Ginny looked wide eyed at Hazel.]
Hazel: Hello. [Ginny runs off] W-what did I do?

"I think someone had a little crush on Hazel," Remus says chuckling.
"USED TO!" Ginny yells out embarrassed.
"Remeber what just recently happened," Hazel says wiggling her eyes with a smirk.
"WE DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT," Ginny says wided eyed.
Hazel's frends look at her with a small smile never knowing when the last time they saw Hazel like this.

Ron: Ginny. Been talking about you all summer. Dead annoying, really
[Mr. Weasley comes in.]
Mr. Weasley: Morning, Weasleys
Fred, George and Ron: Morning, Dad
Mrs. Weasley: Morning Arthur!

"Now I see how awkward it is to see yourself on the screen," Arthur says rubbing the back of his  neck.

Mr. Weasley: What a night. Nine raids. Nine!
Hazel: [to Ron] Raids?
Ron: Dad works in the Ministry of Magic. In the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. Dad loves Muggles. Thinks they're fascinating

Some purebloods sneer, Lucius included.
"They are fascinating!" Arthur says loudly.

Mr. Weasley: Well now. Who are you?
Hazel: Oh, sorry sir. I'm Hazel, sir, Hazel Potter
Mr. Weasley: Good Lord, are you really? Ron's told us all about you, of course. When did she get here?

"Dad really just out here exposing me," Ron says dramatically making people around him to laugh.

Mrs. Weasley:[darkly] This morning. Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night
Mr. Weasley: Did you really! How'd it go?!

James and Sirius start laughing at the fact that it didn't go the way Molly was hoping it would end up going.
"I'm pretty sure that isn't what I was wanting you to say," Molly says in disbelief.
"Oh sorry," Arthur says not really being sorry.

[Mr. Weasley catches Mrs. Weasley's eye. Fred, George, Ron and Hazel are hiding their laughter.]
Fred, George, Ron and Hazel: Oh, it...

"You four are going to get the poor man in trouble," Remus says trying to hide his smile.
"And I love it!" Sirius adds right after not bothering to eve try to cover his laughter.

Mrs. Weasley: Arthur!
[Everyone except Molly is trying very hard to stop laughing.]
Mr. Weasley: I mean...that was very wrong, indeed, boys. Very wrong of you. Now, Hazel, you must know all about Muggles. Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?

This causes people to start laughing like crazy taking people a while to calm down enough for them to continue the movie.

Hazel: Oh, umm...

"You've confused the poor girl," Barty says still laughing.

[An owl, Errol with letters flew in, only to hit a window.]

"Ow-" Regulus says somehow feeling that pain.

Mrs. Weasley: Well, that'll be Errol with the post. Oh, fetch it will you Percy, please?
Percy: Errol...
Ron: He's always doing that

"Why don't you retire the poor owl and get a new one," Regulus says sadly.
Molly says nothing not wanting people to know they can't afford a new owl.

Percy: Oh look, it's our Hogwarts letters. And they've sent us Hazel's as well
Mr. Weasley: Dumbledore must know you're here, Hazel. Doesn't miss a trick, that man

"More like self addressing quills," McGonagall says rolling her eyes.

Mrs. Weasley: Oh, no
Fred: This lot won't come cheap, Mum. The spell books alone...
Mrs. Weasley: We'll manage. Right then. There's only one place we're going to get all of this: Diagon Alley.

James is on the edge of his seat to know why the books would be an issue, from what he knows spell books aren't that much.

[Mrs. Weasley picks up a pot of the mantel.]
Mrs. Weasley: You first, Hazel dear

"You realize that will end up badly because just from what I have seen, she's never traveled that way," Regulus says.

[Mrs. Weasley offers Hazel a flowerpot. At the bottom is a layer of very soft dust. Hazel frowns in confusion.]
Ron: But Hazel's never traveled by Floo powder before, Mum
Hazel: Floo Powder?

"This is going to end really bad," Frank says slightly worried for Hazel.

Mrs. Weasley: Oh, well, you go first, Ron. So that Hazel can see how it's done. Yes. In you go. That's it
Ron: Diagon Alley! [Ron disappears in a green flame]

"Okay to defend Hazel on this, imagine seeing your best friend disappear in a green flame and not knowing what it was, it would make anyone nervous," Ron says quickly glaring at everyone going into his protective best friend mode.

Mrs. Weasley: You see? It's quite easy, dear. Don't be afraid. Come on. Come on. In you go. That's it. Mind your head. That's right. Now, take your Floo powder. That's it, very good. Now, don't forget to speak very, very clearly

"Something is going to go wrong..." Regulus says knowingly.

Hazel: Diagonally [Hazel disappears in a green flame]

"WHAT DID YOU SAY-" Lily panics.

Mrs. Weasley: What did she say, dear?
Mr. Weasley: "Diagonally"
Mrs. Weasley: I thought she did

"Why do you sound so calm?" Ron asks his mom confused not knowing that.
"I don't know-" Molly says back shocked with herself.

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