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"...Igor." My sister says.

That's a Russian name if I've ever heard one—especially because that's the name of my rat in their mafia.

He's a part of my personal unit and has been serving the family since he was a teenager. Surely he would've mentioned Alina, right?
I'll have to call him later.

"Does this name bring up good or bad feelings?" I ask. I swear to god I'll kill him if he hurt my sister.

"Excitement. When I was in the bath, I dozed off for a second and woke up when Mommy took a picture."

"Sorry! I didn't realize the flash was on. It's really cute though."

"It's ok Mommy. Anyway, I remember being put into an Igor's arms and my heart started beating really fast. But in a good way like how when I saw the head sparkles."

"Tiara baby." Dad corrects.

"Sure it is." She said with an eye roll and puffed cheeks. She's trying to act tough but just looks even cuter. We all laugh and she gets all red. She hides her face in dad's shoulder.

"So this Igor is connected to good memories? Was he one of the men that claimed to be your brothers?" I ask.

"Nope. Can we go now? I'm really hungry and mommy didn't put me in this dress for nothing!"

"Of course princess," Dad says and continues to walk towards the elevator.

He pushes the button to go down to our garage. We all have a smile on our faces but you can tell the environment is off.

We split into two cars. Alina goes with ma, dad, and Rowan while I'll drive with Luca and the twins.

"Do you think her Igor is your Igor?" Luca asks me.

"I don't know. I would've thought he'd told me if the Ivanovs had a girl in the family."

"Yeah. And she's way too young to be put into their assassin program." Damien adds.

He's right, they don't waste their resources on girls who don't have a shot at success.

The whole program is fucked up. Kidnapping children and basically brainwashing them with drugs into submission. After all their training, they're released into the field.

One of the girls from it we apprehended now works for us which is how we found out about the program. It took a long time and a lot of therapy to return her to a healthy state of mind. She's currently working in Luca's stealth unit.

"I'm going to call him later. For now, I just want to enjoy our first night out with Allie." They all nod in agreement.

"She really is something," Domenico says.

"No crap. She's literally perfect." Luca replies.

"Just imagine when she's a teen," Damien says with a groan.

"No boyfriends." We all say at the same time.

"She's already so pretty, I'm scared for what she'll be then. Do we have to start scaring boys off now?" Domenico says.

"Nah. Wait until first grade." I "jokingly" say with a grin.

"10 brothers. 10. That being a known fact will scare them off on its own." Damien says

There are 5 of us and we have 5 cousins in Italy. Our mom is an only child and her parents died a long ago. None of us have met them. From what I know, they weren't the best.

We are extremely close with everyone on our dad's side. Our cousins are like brothers to us. We see them as much as possible and talk all the time. I've wanted to tell them about Allie since she woke up, but I know ma is planning some over-the-top reveal to introduce her to the family. I already know that they are going to adore her.

"I'm so happy we are able to give her a better life," Luca says with a smile.

"She's god damn lucky you found her, Alessandro. I don't want to think of what would've happened if you didn't." Damien says. Dead. That's what she would've been if I never rescued her from the snow.

It hurts just thinking about those 'what-ifs'. I know we've barely gotten to know her, but she's already made a place for herself in our hearts. The atmosphere in the penthouse has been lighter and I look foward to family time now. We'd sacrifice our lives for her in a heartbeat. This little girl has been through so much already and we're determined to give her a better life and protect her from anything that could ever harm her.

We arrive at the restaurant and the hostess leads us to the private room. As we walk through the dining area, women adjust themselves and men glare. We're attractive, rich, and famous. What can I say? And none of us failed to notice how the hostess unbuttoned the first few buttons of her shirt. Nasty.

A few minutes later the others arrive and I know people are wondering who the little girl the fearsome Antonio Lombardi is holding.

The duo walks into the room with a grin on their faces, looks like Allie likes the attention too.

"Sandy! Lulu! Nico!" She yells with a big wave. The three of us wave back with big smiles.

"Hey! What about me!?" Damien says acting hurt.

"Hold on I'm trying to think of a nickname." He chuckles and we go to the table.

"Wanna know something cool princess?" Dad asks. She nods. "I own this restaurant."

"Wow. Do you cook all the food?"

"Ha! Dad cooking? That's hilarious Allie. He could burn water!" Roman says.

"Oh be quiet you." Ma replies with a little smack on his shoulder.

"Manny don't be silly!"

"Oh, so he gets a nickname?" Damien complains. Is he secretly a child too?

"I'm working on it! And water can't burn. When it gets too hot it evaporates, duh." Um, she's 3, right?

It's as if she keeps on getting smarter and smarter to us every time she talks. It's truly incredible.

"Ok smarty pants, where did you learn that?" Domenico asks.

"A book. The old man had a lot, remember?"

So he was teaching her sciences when she should've been learning her colors or something?

"I found it in one of his books once." She says with a big smile. Then I hear grumbling.

"Was that you baby?" Ma asks with a laugh. Allie shakes her head and gets all red again. Liar.

"Well, I'm starving!" Roman says.

A waiter comes as soon as I call for one. We order and begin talking.

For once, our conversation isn't about work. It's nice.

Since Allie has come home I've been feeling happier in a way and the mafia can wait when I'm with my family. I see that in all my brothers actually. It's like our sister has brought us back together.

Our food comes and the happy atmosphere continues to surround my family. I get this feeling in my gut and I know something's wro-


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