Third person

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Attacking from behind, Anastasia shoves and sweeps Alexei's legs out from under him.
Though old and out of practice, her muscle memory never faded.

The quick and powerful move causes the unsuspecting Alexei's grip to loosen as he catches himself.

That was just enough for the little girl to escape and take off down the hallway in front of her.

"Run Alina!" Anastasia shouts.

She has no regrets as a hand flew to her neck, choking her and almost lifting her off the ground.

Alexei goes to lunge for Alina when the cocking of a gun stops in his tracks as her figure fades from view.

"Don't you dare move," Alessandro Lombardi threatens.

He blocks the hallway to the right while Alonzo Lombardi blocks the left.

Standing back-to-back, the Ivanovs point their guns at their opponent.

"Drop her, Dmitri," Alonzo commands.

Dmitri'a grip on her neck only tightens.

"Do it, brother."

He scoffs and throws the groaning woman to the floor, keeping his boot firmly on the back of her neck.

"This seems like a fair fight. Drop the guns and let's settle this like men."

"In your dreams, Dmitri," Alonzo scoffs.

"Shoot me, Lombardi. Why not just be done with this now?" Alexei questions.

"I could. But first tell me how to undo the damage you've done to my sister," Alessandro commands.

"Ah. That. Didn't you have to keep that girl of ours detained in therapy sessions for months? You don't want to do that to poor little Alina, do you?"

"Don't say her fucking name, Dmitri." Alonzo barks.

"Alina's been such a loving sister to me these past few months you know," Alexei taunts, emphasizing the name. "I think I'd like to keep her that way."

"She's not your sister," Alessandro seethes through gritted teeth.

"You'll never make it out of here with her. That's if you ever get out at all."

"I beg to differ, Dmitri," Alonzo says with confidence. "The Striker—"

"Oh. Do you mean that traitor Andreas? Talented, yes. But he'll be dead soon along with those twins with him."

"Dmitri, hush. You know I love a good hunt? I think tonight's the perfect time for one. So how about I give you two a head start? Well? Off you go," Alexei motions to the hallway with his gun.

"Go," the woman on the ground echoes and the Lombardis don't think twice again before running.

"Do I shoot?" Dmitri asks his brother.

"Don't waste your bullets. They have bulletproof vests under their shirts.
Now, let's deal with you."

"I really thought you were better than this Anastasia," Dmitri says kneeling down and grabbing her chin roughly.

"My name is Greta."

"I recall you gave up that name for my father. Was it worth it? Abandoning your identity for a man who never loved you back?"

"Go to hell, Alexei."

"I should've killed you ages ago. Always sticking your nose in places it doesn't belong," Dmitri says before breaking it.

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