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This is a flashback set about 16 years ago

The sun had not yet risen. The stars were bright in the sky, constellations clear as day. If you really listened, you could hear the faint chirp of the crickets and the running water of the nearby stream.

I've always loved this house. Despite its large size, it's homey and you never feel alone. The walls are adorned with family photos and children's drawings. I even have some stuff up there from when I was a boy. This home has belonged to my father's family for a long time, even before I married into the American mafia.

The property is upstate, smack in the middle of nowhere. In other words, the perfect escape from the bustling city.

I'm here with my two sons, and my beautiful pregnant wife. We're having twins soon and I couldn't be happier. Hopefully one is a girl.

Bianca is due soon and we wanted to make her feel special and pampered before the babies arrive and everyone's attention will be on them.

Father and Mother are arriving later today along with my big brother's family. They are all staying until the babies are born.

"Do you think he'll come this time?" My wife asks me.

"Probably. He would never miss the chance to be here for the delivery."

"Hopefully she doesn't though."

"What is it with you two? She seems like a lovely girl."

"It's a facade honey. She's secretly a jealous bitch  under all that makeup and big puppy dog eyes. She's just so annoying. Ask Mari when she gets here."


"She's also a total liar. For someone raised in the mafia, you'd think she'd know how to lie well."

"True, but-"

She mutters something under her breath and I wisely decide to drop it. I know better than to question a hormonal pregnant lady. Especially when said lady is Bianca Lombardi.

We're talking about my sister-in-law, Valentina. She always comes to family gatherings, sucking up to my parents. My brother however, doesn't always accompany her.

Soon, my entire family is at our dining room table. Enjoying family recipes fresh from the kitchen and joyful conversations.

I here the front door open, followed by a high pitch voice. Bianca and Mari groan and then put some fake smiles on their faces.

"I'm here!"

A ginger haired woman comes around the corner with a big smile on her face, and a birkin in hand. Always with a god damn birkin. I swear it's 50% of her personality.

"Ah, Valentina. So lovely to see you." My mother says, embracing the woman. "Where is my son?"

"Oh he's just working. Stressed over a new club. He's very sorry and says he'll come to the next one." Lie.

"That's what you said last time. Same club?" Francesco questions, eyebrows raised.

"I'm not involved in his business ventures. Don't ask me."

"And my grandson?" Father asks.

"He isn't feeling to good at the moment. He's with his father." Lie.

A little background on Valentina. She is the second born child of the Sicilian mafia boss. Just as I was arranged to marry Bianca, my brother was arranged to marry her.
Soon after the wedding, she became pregnant with their first child and not long before the birth, something terrible happened.
Her older brother, the Sicilian don, his wife and their only child, died in a tragic accident. My brother was then forced to take his place as the new don.

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