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Ever since Allie told us she felt as if she was being watched, my protective instincts have gone through the roof. I've made sure one of us is with her at all times and that her face has been hidden from the public.
We delayed school until September. I want to wait until all the fuss about the 'Newest Addition to the Lombardi Empire' and the 'Princess of New York City' crap has died down. I won't know what to do with myself if someone hurt my little girl.

These past few weeks have been some of the best I've ever had. Every day is full of smiles and laughter. It's great coming home from work and having my little bundle of joy jumping into my arms the second she hears the elevator doors ding.

Today, my family is coming over from Italy for the holidays. We're very close with them and we see each other as much as we can. I'm very excited for them to meet Allie. Of course, they know of her, the press made sure of that which is annoying. But her actual identity has remained a secret.

My wife has planned this big reveal to introduce her to the rest of the family. I know even if Bianca was just like, "hey, this is a kid we got from the side of the road, she's ours now. Say hi," they'd still adore her as much as we all do.

My only concern is that the plan will involve leaving Allie alone in her room for a few minutes and I'm worried something will happen as soon as we leave her side. I have security measures in place that even if a bird flies by her window, I'll know. Bianca tells me not to worry, but how can I not when my little girl has been watched for weeks?

I hear my mother announce her presence. Let the fun begin.

"Tony!" She embraces me and then pushes me away "Where is my granddaughter?" She says sternly. She might be over a foot shorter than me, but she's one hell of an intimidating woman.

"I'd like to meet the newest member of my family." My dad says with a smile. He rarely smiles so it's great to see it.

"She'll be here soon, I promise," I say.

My sons welcome their cousins and Bianca is hugging my sister-in-law, Mariana, and my older brother, Francesco.

"Is that my baby brother I see?" He asks approaching me.

"Yeah yeah cool it you old hag," I reply with a grin.

"Antonio, how are you? It's been too long." Mariana says with a hug. "Show me my niece right now or I will beat your ass." She whispers in my ear. I don't doubt that at all. Lombardi women are crazy. Do not mess with them.

I greet my nephews next who are literally carbon copies of each other.

I can tell everyone is anxious to meet Allie and to be honest, so am I. I hope she handles all of this alright.

"So, where is she?" Francesco asks.

I look at Bianca who nods, ready to give the signal for Allie to come out of her room.

I'm about the say the words but before I can open my mouth, I hear the worst sound a parent can hear, their child's scream.

All of our heads turn toward the direction of Allie's room and we break into a sprint. As we run, the sounds of guns being turned off safety can be heard all around.
Why does her room feel so far away?

I bust the door open and a man is on top of my daughter holding a cloth to her face. Her eyes are red and tears continue to pour out like a waterfall. I waste no time and shoot the fucker.

"Daddy!" She cries. She's in my arms within the second.

"Oh princess, I'm so sorry," I say as her tears wet my shirt. Bianca falls to the floor beside me with tears in her eyes.

I look behind me and everyone looks livid. Each and every member of my family looks like they're ready to tear off the guy's head with their bare hands.

We leave the room and some of our men enter to take him away. We're going to have a blast torturing that guy for sure.

My family and I sit in the living room. Allie is in Bianca's arms, but she's not the one crying now. Allie puts her hands on her mother's wet cheek.

"It's ok Mommy. I'm ok. See? Don't cry. The bad man is away. Please smile Mommy." She says looking at her mom with a big smile. My wife smiles back and holds her tighter to her chest.

"These are happy tears, my love. I'm happy you are alright." She wipes her tears and looks at the rest of the family. 

"Princess, can you please come here?" Allie nods and walks over. I turn her to face my family. They all look absolutely enamored by her.

"We hoped that this would be under happier circumstances, but meet Alina, our little Allie," I say. Allie does a little wave.

My parents approach us first and my mom bends down to Allie's height.

"Hello, darling. I'm your nonna. Can I hold you?" Allie looks up at me and I nod. My mom picks her up and gives her a big hug. Allie gets really tense for a second but relaxes into her warm embrace.

"I really like your hugs... Nonna." Ma hugs her even tighter and I swear I see her eyes getting watery. She finally got her granddaughter.
Since Mariana got pregnant with Gio, she's wanted one. Now after 10 grandsons, she got her little girl.

My dad approaches next. He has a big, warm smile on his face I haven't seen in a long time.

"Hello Principessa, I'm your grandpa. Can I hold you too?" Allie nods but before he takes her, my mom says,

"You better give her back." Allie laughs at that and everyone looks as if they just heard the most beautiful song in the world. I should figure out how to make that my ringtone or something.

My dad gives her a big hug and kisses her on the top of her head.

Next, she's introduced to her Aunty Ana, and her Uncle Cici. I swear to god that everyone was trying so hard not to laugh at his new nickname. I would've bet money that Allie would go with "Frankie", but Cici? But he just smiled and said he loves it. She already has him wrapped around her finger.

Now it's time for the cousins, Giovanni, Angelo, Lorenzo, Dante, and Matteo, all purebred Italian mafia men. I look at my daughter who's staring up at these 6-foot and over men in a sparkly pink dress with a big smile.


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